When To Transplant


Active Member
I have a cloning machine, and it works great. Within 3 to 10 days, 100% of the cuttings get roots. My problem is, when should I transplant? The cloning machine I use is a hydro system, and I transplant to soil, but the survival rate when I transplant isn't so great. About 50%.

I keep the tranplants about 5 feet away from a 400 watt light, and the temp is good, as is the humidity.

Any ideas?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hey gaa...

You should transplant as soon as you see decent root growth... probably3-5 days after seeing intial roots.. Hydro roots are different than soil roots (water/nutrient absorbtion ability) and this cold be your problem...

When using rockwool cubes transplant rates are 100% both into hydro and soil grows. I am assuming that your clone machine is bare root with NO medium? is this correct? Can you add/incorporate a medium into this system thus buffering the transplant..



Active Member
you have to take off the cowboy hat and quit stepping on them like johnny appleseed!!! sounds like you need to quit the soil or start your clones in some media, the bark plugs are gr8 and they compost where rockwool seems to defy nature, have you ever seen the bubbling bucket setup? its low tech, cheap and a good way to see what hydro-aeroponics is all about. peace


Active Member
I'm not using a medium, but that sounds like a good idea. If I, for example, use rockwell as well as the hydro, does this affect what I put into the water? I mean, is it still a hydro system that needs hydro additives? Or should I use soil additives? (I use the HESI soil and hydro ranges).

Also, on another note, is Supervit the same as Superthrive? Would use of this superthrive, or use of any other vitamin supplement, make the transplant easier?