When to take cuttings and cropping

cajun rose circle

Active Member
When is the best time to take clones? I am assuming a day or 2 before putting the plant in to flower.

When it comes to cropping, should I just bend the 'top' and stems to supercrop or should I cut the top and use it to clones?
Its entirely up to you mate, tops make great clones however it is possible to get several clones from the top. As long as the plant is well established in the veg phase then you are able to take cuttings. I have had success with taking a cutting of two to three nodes down and stripping a 0.5 mm width around a cm long down from the first node. Then dipping it into a rooting gel like clonex and popping it in the rockwool. Just remember to cut large leaves to about 1.5 cm, just simply snip off the leaf.

Super cropping is a great way of altering the yeild of a plant. I wouldnt suggest you just bending the stems or top. I have found the best way is to nip the branch or stem between your thum and index finger and press until you feel the inner structure snapping, its like a crunching sound, then turn your grip 90 degrees in the same spot and reapeat the nip and press. Once this is done you will see the branch droop, this is when i tend to bend it, doing it this way normally stops the outer skin from splitting. If the stem or branch splits the plant normally heals, but it can cause all sorts of problems.