when to take clones off mother grown from femenized seed

Independent counsel

Active Member
Hello I have reserva privada Sour Kush and getting to the size where I think I can start taking clones( 1.5 months old from fem seed). I am still in veg, should I take cuts now, or sould I put in flower and take the cuts with in the first week or two? I am not sure since the mother plant is from a femenized seed if it matters when to take the clones. I found a lot of info on when to take clones but couldnt find a specific answer on when to off a mother plant that was grow from femenized seeds. Any info would be great PEACE!!!!


Well-Known Member
take the clones while vegging for best results
doesn't matter if the mother was grown from fem seeds


New Member
Hello I have reserva privada Sour Kush and getting to the size where I think I can start taking clones( 1.5 months old from fem seed). I am still in veg, should I take cuts now, or sould I put in flower and take the cuts with in the first week or two? I am not sure since the mother plant is from a femenized seed if it matters when to take the clones. I found a lot of info on when to take clones but couldnt find a specific answer on when to off a mother plant that was grow from femenized seeds. Any info would be great PEACE!!!!
You keep it vegging for a long ass time. From what I have heard Idk if it is true, but you can keep a mother plant vegging indefinately, I do believe the quality gets worse, but that's after 100 clones are taken and the plant has been alive for a long time. I have seen videos of them taking them from quite large mother plants, so I'd let it get at least 2 foot tall, so you can take a couple, and so it doesn't damage the plant


Well-Known Member
you can keep a mother quite a long time, the quality of the bud doesn't diminish but it's sometimes hard to keep a plant with a large root system healthy for an extended time. one mother in particular i kept for like 8 months before i grew her out. probably got 50 other plants off of her. when she flowered she really produced alot. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I've done quite a bit of experimenting with taking clones from younger plants.

Catching donor moms during flower mode only works (timely) IF you get her before she starts showing sex. Up
to maybe a week in flower is about the latest to take clones without having to wait another month+ while the plant
reverts back to veg mode. Most faster strains, like yours, can give up clones successfully after 4 weeks of age. Before
that and they are difficult to root.

Feminized seeds clone the same as any others. That is not a worry.

Off a mother plant? No when a mother plant is through donating clones you put her in the flower room, eh? Retired
clone moms are the best to grow out because the yield will be so good. When you cut off a branch to make a clone
2 branches grow out from the cut. So if you take a dozen clones freom a plant then flower her she will have at least
an extra dozen bud sites. More bud sites = more buds. Flowered clone moms yield more than their offspring.

Go for it and good luck.
BigSteve. nb: Cloning can be humbling at first. Beginning cloners should keep a log where you note every thing
you do with your clones. That way you can start to tweak your process and not keep repeating the same mistakes.
For instance - when I started cloning my success rate was about 10%. After adjusting a few things and writing my
changes down I was able to identify my mistakes and fix them. In my case I found my clone stems were staying too
wet and rotting before they could root.