When to switch to flower...


Hello all,
This is my first grow and it hadn't been without its issues. However, i think my ladies may be ready to flower and i need some guidance. The 16 of them are approximately 57 days from the start of germination,and 53 days from being put in the ground. Some are in ffhf/ffof and perlite, some in coco and perlite, and some in ffhf/ffof,coco,&perlite. They are in two separate tents currently, and i am converting an old wardrobe into a grow box to transfer 4/5 into for more space. Roughly half have started to show the white hairs to indicate that they are female and the others aren't showing just yet. I do not know the strains or whether they're photoperiod or autoflowers. I have no experience(or friends) to rely on for help so I'm reaching out here. The photos below are of the crop. How much longer do i have/should i wait before i switch them over to flower? If they're photoperiod should i flower them at different times? Thanks in advance for any help provided. 20200713_194134.jpg20200713_194126.jpg20200713_194119.jpg20200713_194116.jpg20200713_194112.jpg20200713_194051.jpg20200713_194038.jpg20200713_194032.jpg20200713_194028.jpg20200713_193954.jpg8
Yup, just extend your dark period into the new schedule.
Thanks, i appreciate it.
This has been an awesome experience so far,i just didn't realize that it was going to be this much work when i stated the process.
Honestly didn't think that i would have this many plants germinate and last this long. I had 17 to start and have only lost 1 at week 3 due to algae on the roots. They've survived being under&overfed, nutrient deficient &burned, underwatered&overwatered, & fungus gnats from the fox farms products...
They are truly resilient!
Hopefully they do not look too bad for a first-timer, and i get a decent yield. Excited to be a part of this continuity tho.
Thanks again!
Thanks, i appreciate it.
This has been an awesome experience so far,i just didn't realize that it was going to be this much work when i stated the process.
Honestly didn't think that i would have this many plants germinate and last this long. I had 17 to start and have only lost 1 at week 3 due to algae on the roots. They've survived being under&overfed, nutrient deficient &burned, underwatered&overwatered, & fungus gnats from the fox farms products...
They are truly resilient!
Hopefully they do not look too bad for a first-timer, and i get a decent yield. Excited to be a part of this continuity tho.
Thanks again!
They look great man! Keep it up.
Your name is hilarious! I honestly feel like that every morning when i open up the tents and see something that looks out of the ordinary.
Haha when I first joined.. It seemed to most honest name I could choose. Ive said it before but I wish I could change it to dumbguyfiguringitoutfinally lol
Thanks, I'm sure you have some stuff posted...I'm gonna check you out. I need all the research and advice i can get.
I will be the first to say I am no professional. But I have picked up on a few things between all the great minds on this site and google. Lol if you have a question and I know the answer. I'll see help but if I don't know. We can learn together haha
I will be the first to say I am no professional. But I have picked up on a few things between all the great minds on this site and google. Lol if you have a question and I know the answer. I'll see help but if I don't know. We can learn together haha
I will probably take you up on the offer! I rarely ask anything on here because I've seen some folks tend to make people feel inferior when they ask questions.
It depends on how big you want your plants to be. You can flip at 1 week or even grow straight 12/12 from seed. Some people veg for months while others just a few weeks. Too many factors for a one size fits all. But in the space you're growing in and the current size of the plants I'd say any time. If you wait too long you're going to run into height issues.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to go ahead and flip them on Wednesday night into Thursday and update occasionally. They'll be exactly 8 weeks in the ground then.