When to start using REAL soil?


Active Member
I've been growing my plants since june 14th and they aren't doing as well as I wanted.

I started out using miracle-gro seed starter and it burned the leaves of one of my plants..it's just starting to recover. I then transplanted all 3 of my plants into basic potting soil and now almost 2 weeks later I'm wondering when I should start to use fertilized soil..

When should I switch from potting soil (unfert) into fertilized soil?

also, I'm thinking about a 75% Peat Moss and 25% perlite for my soil, maybe? I'm not sure what to do about putting more nutrients in the soil...WHAT SOIL DO I USE??



Active Member
I'm a real noobie at this...to my knowledge there's two basic ways for a plant to get nutrition...

1. soil
2. water with nutrients added

I'm not sure what to use when for either..Are you suggesting I keep with the same potting soil they're in at the moment and feed it using water with nutrients added in a few weeks?


Active Member
I would recommend not using fertilized soil. Use like fox farm or other growing soil for home cultivation. Then add nutrients yourself, giving you much more control and knowing exactly what they get and when they get it.


New Member
if your in a lil bitty seed starter thing........lol...............now would be the time to switch to a lil bigger pot .....dixie cup size......i personally would rather have a soil with very low nutrition so as to add my own......


Active Member
So 75% Peat Moss 25% Perlite with my own nutrients added is best from seedling to flower?

And I started them in dixie cups and moved them to decent sized clay pots when I realized I should be using potting soil instead


Active Member
Right now I'm using basic non-fertilized low/no nutrient potting soil. It's basically just a mediocre medium that will help feed the roots until I know what I should be doing.
Hit up your local hydro shop. They should have some organic soils all of which are better than any local market soil. I personally start my seeds & clones in Jiffy peat pellets. When they are ready to transplant (lots of white roots sticking out everywhere) I put them straight into the soil they will grow in for the rest of their grow cycle. Roots Organics & Fox Farms (FF) or both good soils. I know with FF Ocean Forest you do not have to give your plants extra nutrients for 4-weeks, which for a lot of people is the entire vegging period.

I also make my own super soil like subcool's super soil: https://www.rollitup.org/subcools-old-school-organics/44686-subcools-super-soil-112.html

Peace out