when to start on the nutes


Well-Known Member
hey every one
i was just wondering if you guys could tell me when to start with the nutes
i did have a quick look around but found nothing that really helped me , but im sure this info is around.
im not brand new to growing but i am trying to reschool myself on proper feeding, i seem to go a little hard on the nutes to soon and burn every thing.
so this grow i wanna do it right(without the use of a tds meter)
ok so i have
one seedling(im on the any more than one plant and im calling the cops rule)
3 weeks old
2 sets of real leaves
20 mm tall
in a peat pod (the ones that expand)
24 hour cfl light
just on water at the moment
roots just showing
canna nutes
phed water at 5.8

ok also this little beast is going into my new ebb and flow system
that i just made(single plant in a stealth locker)under cfl light then changing
to a 400w hps lamp . has any one have advice on when they think its a good time to go to the bigger lamp and do you think that superthrive is as good as every says it is ,i hear great things but i have not used any of it
thank you for your time any help would be great
your loving stoner jimmy xxxooo
if you want pics just ask
i also have a weird re-veg project going on if any one cares


Well-Known Member
2 weeks from seed is too young to start. I would wait at least 3-4 weeks. You will see your plants start to slow in growth and that's the time. I have burnt the crap outta my seedlings by following the "directions on the label" and nuting 1/4 strength from seed. I don't know that anyone is going to say wait 3 weeks blah blah blah, because each situation is defferent. If you have factors like lights effecting growing (from non sufficient lighting) I do believe you can get by longer that the plant can grow on just ph'ed water.


Well-Known Member
well it is in those peat pot and they would be able to feed them for a while
but i use rw and this is new
what about light switch over how tall would you say(maybe 4 nodes)
thanks to both of you
but i would love to hear more opinions


Active Member
How big is your locker. If it is small and you want to start 12/12 as soon as you put it under the bigger light it should be sooner. Or you need to at least start planning how you are going to train your plant.

Do you already have the big lamp? If not for two plants you might want to grow with cfl all the way.


Well-Known Member
I'm an absolute newb on my first grow...so take this FWIW.

The advice I got was to start at 3 weeks from sprout with a weak solution. I grew from seed in a pellet as well then planted the pellet into a big pot under CFLs.

Grow thread is in my sig.


Well-Known Member
the plan is to not lst em ,ive tried that and it worked well its just that i want single big buds
the locker is 2400x350x450
and its for a single plant ,ill post some pics tonight and we can then maybe we can talk about best way to deal with a tight tall space
btw thanks for all your imput
rep will be paid soon
so with the nutes im going to start with hand feeding 1/4 strenght and work up every 2 weeks but if you think there is a way let me know
this time im not rushing or fucking up
i gonna be cool like a old schooler


Well-Known Member
whenever you start start at 1/4 strength recommended then go to half and then full strength if you they like it


Well-Known Member
yeah a nice slow work up is what ill do ,i just finished making my hood and light holder
checking temps now im praying for 72.5c
it looks a little shit might make a new one
then its on to light tighting
then cfl rack making ,i nearly fried myself last week


Well-Known Member
can you explain the use of molasses,i have read a little about it,but really understand little. what does the product look like ,how do you use it and where to get it and also what stage to use it at
i think i have read that you use it in late flowering
here in oz im not sure if i can get it at my local grow shop but think i read in the states you buy it at the supermarket
thanks so much for your imput


Well-Known Member
ok so i just got some superthrive and would like for somone to tell me how to use it
i read that you can use it the whole time at 1ml to 4 liters
is this stuff good for seedlings at a reduced rate
or only for stressed sick plants
i think i heard that fdd2blk is like the king of this shit and uses it the whole time ,if could grow like that maybe i would quit my day job


Well-Known Member
ok every thing is good im now going to post a diary
nutes start at 3 weeks (next week)
b52 + superthrive at a weak mix this week and im misting with a very weakmix of seasol 2 times a day
lights are 400 hps and set up high on a 18/4 scale (i normalily use 24 hr during veg)
and im going for a nice ive done this 4000 times type of grow
thanks for help ,rep will follow