when to start flush?


Well-Known Member
you should stop feed her nutes 2 weeks before harvesting. During this time, give your plant(s) water and water only! Over this 2 weeks.. the soil will get flushed out. I actually stop feeding my plants 3 weeks before harvest.. since I use liquid nutrients and they can sometimes be stuh-born and hard to flush out. This is called the slow flush.

Now, I will also flush on the day of harvest as well. I use 1.5gallon pots... and the idea is to use 3(X)times the water. In other words.. since I use 1.5gallon pots.. I need to use at least 4.5 gallons of water. 1.5gallonX3 = 4.5gallons (this gives me how many gallons of water I should use).

Some people just do one or the other.. but I personally do the 'Slow flush' + 'Quick Flush'. Why? Because I live by the motto: "Better safe than sorry".




Well-Known Member
i agree still a little time left before shit is ready stop feeding and just reg. water from now on, there looking good tho and just to make sure i get nothin but thc and not nutris. i fed her i do 3-4 weeks fresh water. normaly rain water works best but thats just me. keep it safe and play it smart


Active Member
I've tried a lot of different flush methods. It depends on what you are giving the plant for nutrients (organic vs synthetic). With organic, you don't need to start the flush until the final week. With synthetics, I usually do 2 week flush. BUT, I also give it a light watering of molasses or some other carb for the first week of flushing, then pure water the final week.

If possible, your first flush watering should be about 2-3x the amount of water as a normal watering. This gets all the salts and built up nutrients out of the soil. This usually cuts flush time by a few days. Best of luck!


Active Member
Complete flush with out nutes will cause nute LOCK aka fuck it up.....Reduce nutes to 10% at most of what you were giving peace nig

chef c

Well-Known Member
Complete flush with out nutes will cause nute LOCK aka fuck it up.....Reduce nutes to 10% at most of what you were giving peace nig
ahhh???? huh? lock up is a nut/ph thing not a symptom of flushing, god bless ya. When i was a young buck i use to barly flush at all. These days i think that it definantly reduces the harshness of the inital pull, whch cleares the path for the flavor of your genitics to come through. there are many different flushing solutions available to the smart grower, clear-x, royal flush... some people like to put in molasses, go for it, one tsp per gal. increase dry weight, make sure its blackstrap, or your plants will get mad. how bout epsome salts? herd of a tsp/gal dunno tho no expierence w that. as for how much h2o/gal dirt... MR. BIG DADDY CERVENTES, THE ONE WHO TOUGHT US ALL SAYS: 5 gallons of distilled h2o per gallon of dry dirt, ergo 3gal=15 h2o. when this should be done is up to u, u make the call guys, starting in week 5 sounds a lil early to me but if u want... try week 7 and strech your finishing date three days later than normal, ie. 9 weeks and three days. so that would be 10 days total flush. I do this: day 1 of flush, 5 times the amount of dirt in the pot w distilled h2o. day two, 1 gal w/ 15ml/gal clear-x and 5ml/gal old kelp. this stops the plants from starving. let dry 60%, should be 2-3 days. last feeding i use 5ml/gal molasses, the carbs will help her make it the last few days.. let her dry untill the big day. charlie murphy, what did the five fingers say to the face??? SLAP! im rick james bitch! ha!