In living soil, I only give compost tea every 2 weeks, so I don't keep it brewing 24/7. Btw, you need a STRONG pump to really get the amount of turnover needed to brew good tea, a regular aquarium air pump won't cut it. Here are 3 thinks that will answer a lot of your questions. 1st is microbe man! 2nd, is an alternative to compost tea from leadsled (all his posts are worth reading across several forums) and 3rd is a wonderful collection of information and recipes including compost tea info from Scooby, lots of good stuff here:
Good luck!
Have you grown without compost tea?
You need to grow normal ass weed first. All these newbs trying to spice things up need to realize their entire thought process came from a barely literate dude bro who grows one specific way for a reason, because he failed at every other way. When the instructor is using compost teas, I know he is not qualified to teach soil.
People need to accept that plants do better without all the extra rituals. If you have to add anything, question the credentials of whoever built your soil. You defeat the whole point trying to turn soil into hippy hydroponics.
Hey noob
Hey noob
Have you grown without compost tea?
You need to grow normal ass weed first. All these newbs trying to spice things up need to realize their entire thought process came from a barely literate dude bro who grows one specific way for a reason, because he failed at every other way. When the instructor is using compost teas, I know he is not qualified to teach soil.
People need to accept that plants do better without all the extra rituals. If you have to add anything, question the credentials of whoever built your soil. You defeat the whole point trying to turn soil into hippy hydroponics.