When to release you plant from Low stressed training


Well-Known Member
I currently have a plant that I'm LSTing was just wondering when do you release the plant or don't you.
thanks every one


Well-Known Member
I will only untie the lower parts I have tied down, the parts that have became woody and won't bend towards the light any more. All branches with some flex to them will, they remain tied down till the end of flower.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing this in Veg all the side nodes have now became tops I thought you had to release them when the side nodes become tops. but i will tie these down as well then.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing this in Veg all the side nodes have now became tops I thought you had to release them when the side nodes become tops. but i will tie these down as well then.

You use LST to create multiple tops and to keep them level.

Level canopy with lots of tops = good harvest.

If you untie the ones that are currently LST'd and they grow taller than the others you'll be lst'ing them again.

When I used to LST I generally kept them tied down through out flower and untied them during harvesting.



Well-Known Member
I rarely release them until harvest, I do check them every couple of weeks or so to make sure the tie-down isn't so tight that it's cutting into the stalks, that's happened the odd time during stretch, but mainly outdoor as they typically grow so much bigger/faster. Otherwise I just leave it until it's harvest time...

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i untie after about 3-4 days. after that, they usually stay down. if not, a couple more days and they stay in place. if you leave them tied, make sure there's enough room so the plant doesn't end up growing around the string. it can end up strangling the stem.


Well-Known Member
here is that image of her IMG_0821.JPG as you can see the to shoot are reaching for the light. They are normally out side in full sunlight but today is overcast and looks like it mite rain. So I have got her under my Flou tube just for today. If it brightens up i will put her back out:leaf:


Well-Known Member
No not really normal rain too lol. :razz::lol: It's just that i warterd last night and thanks for the comment about how my plant is looking:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hay guy would it be a good idea to top the new tops because there quit lanky and the inter nodes are getting wider thanks


Well-Known Member
Here is an update of my LST Plant.IMG_0829.JPG What do you guys/girls think Still no signs of pre-flower yet going to wait until it out grows this pot and then move to it's final pot then flower. hope it starts to show signs of sex before. So i can take some cuttings was going to do this to sex it but i mite as well wait now.


Well-Known Member
Nice job ganja, she's going to be a nice little bush. My first response looking at the pic before reading your post was going to be "you're going to need a bigger pot" - lol. I'd suggest transplanting now, let it get settled and rooted in a bigger pot, you'll immediately see some benefits giving it more room/soil, then by the time it settles in you should be able to sex it and clone. Reason I say now is that depending on the strain, and even pheno, it could be a while before you can identify sex 100%. If you leave it in that pot imo you'll loose some growth before you can sex it.


Well-Known Member
Well I haven't long transplanted it in to the pot it's in now about a week and half ago. Roots are just poking though the bottom of the pot. It was in a smaller square pot before but thank for the comment and reply Groerr