When to prepare soil/plant clones (outdoor CA bay area)

I have always done indoor and wanted to do some outdoor this season but had a few questions for any CA bay area folks (east bay). I wanted to know when I should start preparing my soil and when I should be looking to plant clones. I have a buddy who has a few different strains he will give me for clones and will probably start them indoor for a week or so in hopes of giving them a head start against outdoor conditions.

I was going to utilize Subcools old school organic soil/super soil he has posted on here and probably put them in 5 gallon or so buckets, space is limited and I am shooting for 4-6ft girls.

Any thoughts at all are more than welcome, thank you again!


Well-Known Member
If you're look for under 6 foot, you should plant in June if you have a sativa. Otherwise it will get too big. Obviously this varies...

Consider topping and planting earlier.
Thank you for the reply phyzix
I am most likely going to have both Sativa and Indica (sampler). I was thinking to start the soil in late April to get them in the ground late May but was fearful of this being to late. I really don't want to go over 6ft because of fence heights and will top if I can plant earlier and get a better yield.

Would a 5gallon planter be big enough per plant?


Well-Known Member
Unless you're aiming for a pound or more per plant, a 5 gallon container will work well.