When to plant outdoors in Northern California?

Hey guys, quick question for anyone who is in the NorCal area. Now I've been growing indoors for about 5 years, finally have my chance to try outdoor this year. I know I remember reading that you can plant a seed on mothers day (May 8th this year) as a general point in time, but the idea is after the last frost of the year.

Now I know some of my friends start clones before they bring them outside. So let me ask this - how soon can I start my clone indoors before moving it outdoors? Is there a general time period or height that you allow your clones to grow to before they go outdoors? And when do I want to put those suckers into the ground?

All your help is greatly appreciated!
how soon can I start my clone indoors before moving it outdoors? Is there a general time period or height that you allow your clones to grow to before they go outdoors?
Whats up, welcome to rollitup... You can start your clones asap if you wanted to, The size that you want them to ultimately be dictates the time/ height, personally i let them veg until 24-36 in. tall before hardening them off and transplanting into their final container( Transplanting a big plant can be hard by yourself). You allready answered the last question, the last frost dictates when they can be placed into the ground... you could keep them in grow bags or containers and bring them inside at night if its still cold outside, or maybe a greenhouse or coldframe. As a rule of thumb, whenever the soil consistantly stays 60 deg. F at least 3 in. down, you can plant directly into the ground


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
when its warm enough and u no the cold is over with.. and u have enough day light to keep them in veg mode.


Active Member
the most important thing you want to be sure of is your daylight schedule. you want the daylight time to excede 13 hours a day. if you plant to early they will begin to flower. i usually begin planting after 4-20. i have had some plants start flowering years past when i planted on 4-20, so this year im going to harden my plants up even more and plant most likely beginning to mid may.


Well-Known Member
What is Nor Cal cause what some call NorCal is not? I would have to agree with 530 on his timeline. dirrtyd
Thanks for all the replies, ill start begging some clones sooner than later I guess. Dirttyd I live in San Diego. No just kidding, Is mendo north enough? I see lots of people with Norcal decals on there windows, or their clothes, so yes I guess i would be northern california. What's your cutoff line for people who "think the live in Norcal " I thought SF and up would be, right?



Well-Known Member
this thread reminds me, ... i need ton pop some beans.

i get all mine a foot or 2 tall before putting them outside. :cool:
Thanks for all the replies, ill start begining some clones sooner than later I guess. Dirttyd I live in San Diego. No just kidding, Is mendo north enough? I see lots of people with Norcal decals on their windows, or their clothes, so yes I guess i would be northern california. What's your cutoff line for people who "think the live in Norcal " I thought SF and up would be, right?



Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies, ill start begging some clones sooner than later I guess. Dirttyd I live in San Diego. No just kidding, Is mendo north enough? I see lots of people with Norcal decals on there windows, or their clothes, so yes I guess i would be northern california. What's your cutoff line for people who "think the live in Norcal " I thought SF and up would be, right?

i'd say Monterey would be the cut-off point.


Active Member
Hey man, I put my seedlings out in mid May till June 1 in their finishing size pots (7 gal.) that keeps them the size I want.