When to plant marijuana outdoors?

Im really just thinking ahead, because i currently live in alaska and it's soon to be winter in about 2-3 months. I want to know what the typical time/month people put their plants outdoor in the soil. What temperature do is it when 'they' usually put their plants out?

66 north

Well-Known Member
You could be a little late. I am further south and you have to be on the ball or you will miss the window of planting outside everything has been in full swing for 5-6 week here.


Well-Known Member
Lots of variables here to be considered. I believe where you need to start is what is the date of your first frost? You can go to the weather bureau and find this online I am sure. Then figure out how long your strain takes to go through flower, add a couple of weeks to this date at least. This is the time to set your plants out.
Of course this is a brief explaination of things to consider but it should give you a better idea of when to set your plants out. Next year you will be able to plant better so that your plants are at the size you desire when you set them out. I wish you the best of luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
check when your normal last frost is in spring. i'd get some cheap cfl's and start your seedlings a few weeks before that date. then slowly harden them so you can put em outside. but you risk them dying in a frost if you put em out too early. where are you in alaska anyways? if you're in Southeast alaska then you're probably gonna have to worry more about flowering/harvesting time, cause it gets so rainy in Sept/Oct you take a chance of getting bud rot from all the moisture unless you get an earlier flowering strain and have some good luck. don't forget about deer-proofing your little seedlings as well and as well as slugs (can't remember when those little guys start coming out tho)


New Member
It depends on wich zone you are in - in Alaska. Onw thing you might look into is people who garden for food in your area. Obviously you want to plant after last frost. Beyond that you need to concider normal average rainfall for your area. Rain and spring storms can permanently
stunt a plant put out too early. Here in washington state usually we could plant inside in march and put plants outside in early to mid may. This year however summer didnt even begin until July. With the polar reversal and all it's hard to predict next years climate. Look at planting charts and info for your area and expect it to be a month late based on current trends.
Early frosts in the fall can be dealt with and if you use a local strain it will likey be a bit cold hardy. You can always construct a little tarp or plastic shed to keep frost off if you are remote enough.