When to move to MH

Ban Drown


My beans were started in paper towels and then moved to root riot cubes where they now lay under a 125watt CFL.

Id like to know when its safe to move under the 600Watt MH without them being heat stressed or stretching, thanks!


Ban Drown

Ok thanks for the heads up guys! Ill get some pics up in the next couple hours!

Again, thankyou, greatly apreciated!

Logan Rhodes

Active Member
Yeah man, i did the same, straight under my 400MH. Just make sure your ventilation is up to par. Those lights tend to run a little warm.
If you have a cool tube or adequate venting you can go MH right away. It's like that saying, whatever doesn't kill ya... I mean think about all the plants that sprout and grow outside with no help. Had a 5 day windathon here a few months ago and I was worried it was going to tear the plant out of the ground, it was literally 40 degree bend in the wind and it just made the lady stronger i think.

It reminds me of a friend who grows cacti, he babied one with too much low light and then when he put it outside one day all of the green cactus skin turned black... we thought it died but eventually it turned around and was ok. We talked to some experts on the subject and the shortest explaination i can give is it got sunburn and did nearly die from shock. However it's fine and growing again.
Too much low light will train it to be a sissy all it's life.(my opinion not sure if it's really true, i only have this one experience to base it off of)

Logan Rhodes

Active Member
Exactly Puffer. If someone never lifted weights their while life and wasn't active, they'd be weak and skinny. Prone to illness and defect. However on the other hand, someone who is working out and being physical, during their life, is gonna be strong & resilient. Trained and full of life and growth. Excersize your plants. Pump some iron...lol


Exactly Puffer. If someone never lifted weights their while life and wasn't active, they'd be weak and skinny. Prone to illness and defect. However on the other hand, someone who is working out and being physical, during their life, is gonna be strong & resilient. Trained and full of life and growth. Excersize your plants. Pump some iron...lol

WELL PUT! strong & resilient FTW