When to jar this shit up

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Ok I have just harvested three plants of Choclate Rain by E$cob@r

It was Saturday morning, so like 72 hours of drying time.

I hung the branches in a cardboard box like the Rosemans tutorial after trimming.

The buds still feel damp to the touch and the stem definatly do not snap when bent.

I am just lookin for advice on how much longer to dry before Jaring this shit up and starting " the perfect cure"

I open the box every once in a while and air it out to prevent mold


Well-Known Member
Check out weed nerd it's the movie that TC does featuring Kyle Kushman. It's a newer upload.

to directly answer your question it's strain depending. Some will dry faster than others and if your heat and humidity aren't in control it can take longer as well. They will dry just have to b patient.


Well-Known Member
smaller branches snap, larger branches dont. this is when you bag the plant up and try to get the moisture to transfer back in the buds before trimming + jaring them (i do a dry trim)