When to introduce some more nutes?


Active Member
Hey RIU! Right now I gotta little baby whom I am doing 12/12 from seedling in a stealth spot. It is a little under 2 weeks old, it will be 2 weeks in 2 days.

Anyways, when she was about 2-3 days old, I gave her a couple drops of Bio-Grow Veg nutes in her water to give her a boost, like a did last grow.

But apparently, It didnt like it too much. It got nutrient burn somewhat badly, but nothing too serious. So, today I put 1 drop of the Bio-Grow Veg nutes in her water and fed her. I think she'll enjoy it:-o

When should I start giving her flower nutrients? Remember that I am doing 12/12 from seed, and it is about 2 weeks.

Thanks RIU, everyone who helps I will try to rep


Active Member
Hey RIU! Right now I gotta little baby whom I am doing 12/12 from seedling in a stealth spot. It is a little under 2 weeks old, it will be 2 weeks in 2 days.

Anyways, when she was about 2-3 days old, I gave her a couple drops of Bio-Grow Veg nutes in her water to give her a boost, like a did last grow.

But apparently, It didnt like it too much. It got nutrient burn somewhat badly, but nothing too serious. So, today I put 1 drop of the Bio-Grow Veg nutes in her water and fed her. I think she'll enjoy it:-o

When should I start giving her flower nutrients? Remember that I am doing 12/12 from seed, and it is about 2 weeks.

Thanks RIU, everyone who helps I will try to rep
hey jimi -

If you have a good root mass started I'd say It's time to start a fert schedule of 1/4 strength for a week, see how see dose then bump it to 1/2 strength for a few waterings and then find what she likes as full strength and stay around there until about a week before harvest and flush. Good luck


Active Member
Alright, thanks alot man.


Jimi -

I didn't ask what soil you are growing in and if it already has ferts in it. That would be a different story altogether.

So what soil are you using? Dose it have ferts in it already?

p.s. what happened to your last grow?


Active Member
Im using FFOF organic soil right now...pretty sure theres no nutes in it.

And for my last grow, I thought someone ratted on me, because cops kept on driving past my house really slow, sometimes flashing lights on my driveway. So I moved them to my friends apartment, because I was afraid of getting raided. But I guess one of my neighbors called the cops saying a cat burgalur has been creepin around the neighbor hood.
what nutes are using if fox farm by the end of flowering i used still only 3/4 of what was recommened just so there wasnt any nute burn or nute lock at all. Check my pics on profile they loved it actually. Never overdue anything it will set you back weeks sometimes


Active Member
Im using FFOF organic soil right now...pretty sure theres no nutes in it.

And for my last grow, I thought someone ratted on me, because cops kept on driving past my house really slow, sometimes flashing lights on my driveway. So I moved them to my friends apartment, because I was afraid of getting raided. But I guess one of my neighbors called the cops saying a cat burgalur has been creepin around the neighbor hood.
Jimi -
Hold off on ferting for a while longer.
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Ocean Forest® Potting Soil
Good Things From the Earth and Sea
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]The ultimate potting soil—everything your plants need, in one bag. Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. Composted forest humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest® its light, aerated texture. Start with Ocean Forest® and watch your plants come alive!

Garden tip: Perfect for containers and ready to use right out of the bag. Ocean Forest® is pH adjusted at 6.3 to 6.8 to allow for optimum fertilizer uptake. There’s no need for nitrogen fertilizers at first; instead try an organic blend like FoxFarm Big Bloom™ Liquid Plant Food to encourage strong branching and a sturdy, healthy growth habit.


Active Member
Jimi -
Hold off on ferting for a while longer.
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Ocean Forest® Potting Soil
Good Things From the Earth and Sea
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]The ultimate potting soil—everything your plants need, in one bag. Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. Composted forest humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest® its light, aerated texture. Start with Ocean Forest® and watch your plants come alive!

Garden tip: Perfect for containers and ready to use right out of the bag. Ocean Forest® is pH adjusted at 6.3 to 6.8 to allow for optimum fertilizer uptake. There’s no need for nitrogen fertilizers at first; instead try an organic blend like FoxFarm Big Bloom™ Liquid Plant Food to encourage strong branching and a sturdy, healthy growth habit.

Cool, thanks man. That's probably why my baby got nutrient burn in the first place, because I didnt know there was nutrients in the soil!:evil: I only used a drop of it also..

Anyways thanks for the help man, I appreciate it.