When to increase lights from 250w to 400w


Quick question guys iv got 6 plants currently under a 250w HPS, they are on there 5th node and growing nicely, when should I increase the strength to 400w and then 600w? I have no issue with temps so can increase anytime I just have left it for now as they all easily fit under the light without being spread out.
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Well-Known Member
I also think you can go right to 600w. I had my 600w dimmed to 400 without knowing for a couple weeks in veg and turning it back to 600 boosted growth for sure


Well-Known Member
honestly, the only reason to keep vegging them under 250 would be to save on electricity costs. I would recommend switching them to 400 at least a week before flower to get them totally used to the increase in light.


Thanks it's only my second grow so im learning still. Iv got a second hood/ballast and light should I introduce that when they are struggling to all get light or should I just bring that in when they go into flower?


Well-Known Member
In theory they need most wattage after the 3rd week flower. Its a preference thing. Id say, only cause you just starting growing, put em on from now to get acquainted with the distance. Pull em up if you go full power.


Well-Known Member
Quick question guys iv got 6 plants currently under a 250w HPS, they are on there 5th node and growing nicely, when should I increase the strength to 400w and then 600w? I have no issue with temps so can increase anytime I just have left it for now as they all easily fit under the light without being spread out.
Turn your wattzzup Wonder how much growth you’ve missed out on already. :wall:
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Well-Known Member
I run 250s and I know you have too many plants for a 250.

They're great lights for 1-2 plants or small spaces but you should switch your 250 out asap for that many plants.


Well-Known Member
I run 3,000 watts of hps and if I can give some advice, it's don't worry about watts.
You use HID. I cant say this enough...buy a Lux meter!
Seed-> week #2 veg=12k-15k lux @ canopy level.
At least 35k-50k lux from that point forward.
(Example- @ 250w your light will be about 6" away from the canopy...)

Big lights from the beginning= big plants in the end.
Journal links in signature if you want to see it working...


Well-Known Member
Also, there's a 250w club on the site. It seems lots of folks use the 250s but only I post in the club thread.


Thanks guys, I'll switch it to the 400w bulb.

This may sound dumb but if 250w isn't enough light for my six plants but it would be for 2 plants, why if they are all getting direct light with no shade.

I'll look at a lux meter now Thankyou