When to harvest?

Hello again you lovely growers.

Since you've so generously offered your time and experience in the past, I thought I might be able to pick your brains a little more.

I'm a first time grower, and I have couple of happy healthy little plants.
They're getting on, and I'm wondering when I should think about harvest.

The flowers seems quite long, but not particularly thick or dense.
Should I continue to let them go for a while?

Thanks again for all your help.

EDIT: Thought I should Include. This Strain is 'The Black x Blue Dream'


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Well-Known Member
Congrats on getting some flower production on first run! Second pic looks closest. People commonly scope the trichomes on the buds with a 60x or such magnification. When you get a lot of cloudy heads and very few clear, that is generally considered a good time to harvest. I'll wait a bit longer until I see a sudden increase in amber colored heads. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Scoping Trichomes is the only route I suggest anymore. There's no point in investing into all the stuff to grow, and not get a microscope in order to harvest at peak perfection. Get a decent one on amazon, then harvest when them trichomes are all milky some amber. Your smoke will always be great.