when to harvest?

im pretty certain its sativa. the shop said green crack on the capsule.....should i be taking off the yellowish leaves and ones that are hiding bud sites? i just started using foxfarm tiger extra strength

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
A month anyway. Outside? Like the others said, Oct. And watever you do, don't panic about frost and cut early.


Well-Known Member
Every answer above ^^^^^^^^^^^ is correct.....chillax, have a cold one, rip a few, it's gonna be some time yet bro.........


Active Member
And so it begins..... 1,001 people posting about when they should harvest. Get a 30x mag glass and monitor the heads/bulbs of the hairs/trichs. Once they are all cloudy/amber (not clear) you are good to chop. Different people prefer different percentages of cloudy to amber. You can get a decent mag glass on ebay for about 10-20 bucks. Hope this helps.