When to harvest


Well-Known Member
Your impatience will wreck your grow. Stop hovering over what day - what week - etc.

Plant finishes when it finishes.
Certainly agree it’s not impatience it’s a learning curve i of course wanna be knowing what I’m looking for and having you guys confirm it I’m learning thanks for your help man


Well-Known Member
Lol, you’ve been told by several experienced people to wait a few weeks, and 10 day later here you’re second guessing everyone - again. Fuck it. Go ahead and pull your stuff. Next time you’ll know.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a lot of weed in that tent. If you really just can't wait to try it, why not cut off one bud every 3-4 days, dry it and see what it's like? The whole plant's not going to get over-ripe in the few days it takes to dry a bud, and then you'll actually see the difference the last few weeks of ripening makes.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Agreed guys I’m fully on side I want the best possible crop of course I’m gonna keep an eye on things for a couple of weeks
Is she still drinking well? It’s a sign you’re nearing the end when they slow down in their demands for water but is not an absolute sign of maturity


Well-Known Member
Afternoon lads so the test bud I took a couple of days ago when inspecting it iv found a seed what do you reckon I should do will this progress letting them run another week or 2 it was deep in the bud I found the seed