When to harvest


Well-Known Member
Hi guys so we’re day 47 (7 weeks roughly) on some Blueberry OG barneys farm reckons 55days is about peak for this plant take a look at these pics I know the trichome pics ain’t the best I have a better lens coming tomorrow I harvested a bud today and this is the pics from the bud. Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
Hi guys turned the lights off for a quick minute to take some better pictures today my only concern is the buds are nice chunky buds but it looks as if the sides of the buds are growing outwards into like balls filled with white hairs the pictures don’t do it any justice is this normal or the start of hermie? Couldn’t see any seeds or anything like that



Well-Known Member
sides of the buds are growing outwards into like balls filled with white hairs
Those are called “foxtails“. Happens late in life for a variety of reasons, often just genetics. Not the start of hermie or anything.
looks good!
as far as harvest, 1-3 weeks depending on what you want …. Looks like you’ve got a good batch going, you may want to stagger your harvest days a bit to see what you end up liking, as far as maturity goes.


Well-Known Member
Some plants just mature like that - after the first flush of pistils die and turn brown, they put out a second flush (and sometimes 3 or more) in a last-ditch effort to get pollinated. Sometimes they will just keep spitting them out slowly forever.

Personally I would wait to harvest until the second flush turns brown


Well-Known Member
Hi mate thanks for your response I understand all plants are different what kind of time frame are we looking before they turn amber? Judging of the trichomes they look to have maybe 2-3 weeks left


Well-Known Member
Hi mate thanks for your response I understand all plants are different what kind of time frame are we looking before they turn amber? Judging of the trichomes they look to have maybe 2-3 weeks left
I gave up on judging by trichomes. I've looked at many pics posted on the internet, and at my own plants under a microscope, and it's just to hard to tell.

I go for when the pistils are almost all brown (maybe a few stragglers or fresh ones here and there) and the calyxes are swollen like there are seeds inside.

For yours I'd lean more towards 3+ weeks, but at this point all I can definitively say is "not yet." If you want more advice from folks here, 2-3 weeks is probably a good time to check back in. If it's only your first or second time, the last few weeks really seem to crawl...


Well-Known Member
I gave up on judging by trichomes. I've looked at many pics posted on the internet, and at my own plants under a microscope, and it's just to hard to tell.

I go for when the pistils are almost all brown (maybe a few stragglers or fresh ones here and there) and the calyxes are swollen like there are seeds inside.

For yours I'd lean more towards 3+ weeks, but at this point all I can definitively say is "not yet." If you want more advice from here, 2-3 weeks is probably a good time to check back in. If it's only your first or second time, the last few weeks really seem to crawl...
My buds are looking swollen that’s what I was on about earlier when I learnt they’re called foxtails but I agreee a couple more weeks most definitely


Well-Known Member
I understand The potency side of things the weight side of things not so much they don’t seem to be packing anymore