When to fully water auto?


Well-Known Member
Hello, all.
I'm just starting week 2 of my first auto grow. I planted the germinated seed in its final home which is a 5-gallon bucket. I water about 3cm around the base of the plant when needed. When do I fully saturate the medium?
You're gonna get a bunch of suggestions/directions with that question. Just buy a moisture meter and you'll be good. Most growers over-water and never realize it from a dumbass finger stick. The medium should be moist to start with and 5 gal will take a while to dry out.
Water for the plant size if it’s a small plant keep it in the lower range till it’s becoming more established then step up the amount as it grows. In a five gallon bucket I’d imagine by the end you would be using a gallon every watering. Also pictures would help. And it depend on how the environment is if it’s a nice hot environment with good air flow and intense light you’ll have to water more often I’d it’s not then well you won’t have to water as much but pictures would help
I figured it out. I just watered a little farther out than the plant as it got bigger. By week 3 (6/29) I was able to water until a little runoff. Thanks for the replies and I am sorry I didn't see them!


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I used to saturate well established plants but learned it was over kill.
I have a dripper which runs on battery or electric. My Best Buy ever which is great for leaving town.
It runs twice a day for about a minute each time. Easily I can get water for two weeks. Mind you I only have 3 plants do to space.
I use a 5 gallon bottled jug, with bottled water.
Can’t use house water ph to high.
Good luck with your plants
I used to saturate well established plants but learned it was over kill.
I have a dripper which runs on battery or electric. My Best Buy ever which is great for leaving town.
It runs twice a day for about a minute each time. Easily I can get water for two weeks. Mind you I only have 3 plants do to space.
I use a 5 gallon bottled jug, with bottled water.
Can’t use house water ph to high.
Good luck with your plants
Thank you! She's growing fast. Showing pistils on day 24. It's my first auto. I have another tent with my first photos so it's my first successful grow altogether. I'm learning a lot and having fun. It's been great for my mental health to grow them.20220704_112447.jpg20220704_112502.jpg20220703_152617.jpg
I use a Garden Sprayer, mix Cal-Mag in and water every 3 days.

When I first started I saturated the soil. Big mistake.

So now every 3 days and it is dry.

I went on a trip for 9 days with a fellow Grower. I had someone taking care of mine. He didn't worry about his and they did just fine.
I use a Garden Sprayer, mix Cal-Mag in and water every 3 days.

When I first started I saturated the soil. Big mistake.

So now every 3 days and it is dry.

I went on a trip for 9 days with a fellow Grower. I had someone taking care of mine. He didn't worry about his and they did just fine.
My photos and my auto are up to getting watered or fed every two or three days in a water-feed cycle. The auto seems to need less of everything.
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I use a Garden Sprayer, mix Cal-Mag in and water every 3 days.

When I first started I saturated the soil. Big mistake.

So now every 3 days and it is dry.

I went on a trip for 9 days with a fellow Grower. I had someone taking care of mine. He didn't worry about his and they did just fine.
CalMag. :D

You’re supposed to soak the soil, then you wait for it to dry.
I'm one of those people that like to fully saturate soil, even when I have a little plant in a big pot, and then I wait a few days for it to dry out. It seems to work fine for me as long as the potting soil has good drainage, and the weather is warm enough to evaporate the excess water. I do this because it's too risky allowing the California sun make my soil bone-dry while I'm away at work.

The best advice I have is to keep a record of every watering. Write information like the date, time, and comments regarding inoculation or fertilization. Maybe temperature and moisture level could be included if you're an overachiever. After doing that for a while, you should get a natural feel for what the watering needs are. You can also use past records for considering your budget allotments for the next season, or creating an automated process to aid in workflow.
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I have 5 girls Photos, I just Topped them, 5 gallon Fiber Pots, Happy Frog soil.

Yesterday was third day of no water. I waterd them with 2 gallon will again in 3 days.

When I first started growing I really saturated the soil. Had mold and mushrooms. Sprayed with 50/50 mix of Apple Cider Vinager and Water took care of this.

Over time have found Over Watering is the biggest problem with Autos and Photos.
These are Photos in 5 gallon Fiber Pots. I topped and waterd them yesterday. Flip them to 12/12 light end of the month. They should be ready to cut in October.

I realize I need the Pots up but waiting on my Son to do it, he says it is too hard for me with one Arm. The one had a problem with Iron it's taken care of just haven't took the leaves off.

They will not get that much water and no strong Fertilizer, have found that is one thing that kills most plants.

It might just be me when problems acure is when most mess up, they Over Correct and have a much bigger problem.
Your getting excellent answers to your question. I use coco so and when in flower I can feed 2 or 3 times a day ,when vegging it can be water every couple days.
Yes started using Cal-Mag after I had a problem with not enough Magnesium. Also been using Gold Leaf not sure on it yet.
If you want to increase magnesium then add Epsom Salt. Using CalMag will also drastically increase the amount of calcium in the feed. Excess calcium can lock out magnesium making it impossible for the plant to uptake magnesium even if it’s there and available.
One method I have learned from watering is the weight of the pot. Mine are planted in plastic pots. Usually I water every other day for indoors. But the weight of the pot tells me water is needed. An easy alternative method to use.