Well-Known Member
I smirk when I keep in mind that "flushing" generally understood as water onlylol ive done side by sides man ? so just by chance thats how it came out when i flushed one and not another? you guys win haha im just a crazy.. it was clones too so i must be really high or something cant get much of a closer test than that but hey who am i to judge im happyto each their own cheers guys!
incidentally means no more nutrients added to my already nutrient saturated substrate.
If I feed my hydro(against instructions, using more than the company wants me too) full strength to the end NO amount of drying or curing will fix this golf course syndrome(bag o lawn fert taste/smell).
While correct feeding will require less fermentation to make product usable as there are less unburned carbs in the plant material to be digested/fermented away before a pleasurable smoke can be had.
some people wont smoke their herb until they bury it fresh in the dirt and mold it up black.
they swear its the best way, been doing it for centuries even. no other way proves to be better for them.
different tokes for different folks. do what works best for you and yours.