When to flower???...help pls

I have 3 seedlings that just came up through the soil, two days ago. I was planning on vegging for like two or three weeks. Then I would start to flower them. What are some estimations of how much that would yield?


i think it depends on hoe fast they grow not a matter of weeks really just remember when you start to flower them the size that they are at that time they should finish out 3 times that size so if you start flowering them at a foot tall when they are done they will be about 3 feet tall


I have 3 seedlings that just came up through the soil, two days ago. I was planning on vegging for like two or three weeks. Then I would start to flower them. What are some estimations of how much that would yield?
I once put a seedling into flower after only 2 weeks of veg and it produced a mere 7 grams. But I suppose it depends on the strain as well. Mine was ak47 which hasn't really produced much for me in any case since I've started growing it