when to feed clones and how much?


Active Member
I have 2 clones that just started showing roots thru the roots riot cube. I took the clones from a plant that has been outdoors since march. So its a older plant. So when should start feeding them nutes and how much at 1st? I will be growing them in fox farm happy frog soil with all fox farm nutes.


Active Member
That fox farm soil can be used up until a month. IMO I wouldn't start feeding for at least 3 weeks. Then i would just wait for the girls to tell you when they want to be fed. IOW just watch your plants. They will tell you what and when they need. Let the clones get a good root system first. Are you thinking of mixing it with ffof ? This is a better combination. Just a thought. And be careful with those fax farm nutes. I did not like using them or paying the price and i will never go back. Its still sitting on my self. Am using dyna gro now. Hope it helps.