When to burp


Active Member

I’m curing with tiny hygrometers in glass jars.

tldr question is... Once my jars are sitting between 60-65%, is there a need to burp them anymore?

When I was at 70+ I’d dump the herb back on a drying rack. Between 65-70, I was burping for about 2 hours. After a couple of weeks, Some jars seem to have stablized in what a pinned post called the “curing zone” or 60-65%. I also have those 2 way bovida humidity packs. Is now a good time to put those to use?

Thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
Always burp them to exchange gasses built up in the glass jar. I did it every 24 hours on a glass table, then I'd scrape up trichomes like I'm doing coke and have a hash hit. Yum...


Well-Known Member
If they re around 65 i wouldnt bother much. Maybe a 2-3 minute spread out and back in once every few days.


Well-Known Member
Wait, you guys dump the jars to burp? I’ve just be opening the jars and shaking them a bit.
I guess if theyre way wet then you might have to dump em but Im with you.

I dont think you should have it jarred yet if its still above 70%.


Active Member
Yeah that was my understanding as well. Over 70% can lead to mold etc.

I guess my original question still stands... is burping in the cure zone necessary?


Well-Known Member
Yeah that was my understanding as well. Over 70% can lead to mold etc.

I guess my original question still stands... is burping in the cure zone necessary?
The answer was given above. Was it not what you were hoping to hear?


Active Member
I suppose I’m after the “why” now. I’m curious why the gas build up/exchange is important. I’m not a chemist or biologist, so a dumbed down version would be great. However, if you have References and citations, that’d be dope too. I don’t mind digging into scientific literature, even if I don’t fully grasp the most technical components.

Outside of curing properly, I don’t care what the answer is. Opening a jar for a few minutes isn’t like a life shattering event. I’ll take whatever answer is most backed by science+Empirical data+experience as perfectly valid, even if it doesn’t jive with my feelings. haha


Well-Known Member
After reaching the 60 to 65% range, its then at the right humidity. At that point you burp to cure them...open the jar, stir or shake to insure no sticking and they get mixed a bit. Close jar. If its new, burp for a few minutes. As it gets older, open and close is enough.

They need fresh oxygen to insure the process continues.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that was my understanding as well. Over 70% can lead to mold etc.

I guess my original question still stands... is burping in the cure zone necessary?
I burp once a day for like a month, then every 2 days, then once a week. And finally I try to do it once a month on older buds. I have some 2 years old that I still burp once a month or so. I say, better safe than sorry.

Of course all my jars have hygrometers in them. I also try to keep them in a cool dark place. I don't dump out the jars. I just open the jars and use the lid for it to kinda fan in new air. Shake them a bit, and reseal.

I probably don't really need to burp the jars that are over a year old, but I still try to once a month or so.


Active Member
Do you use bovida packs to keep your really old buds nice? I've had some canned for about 6 months now, but stopped paying attention to them and now they feel kind of dried out. RH is still at 55-58%, but they are definitely crispy. I may just try to make bubble with it now.


Well-Known Member
You don't need to bubble it. Add some trimmed fan leaves to the jar and rehydrate. A few drops of water also work, but fan leaves are more elegant


Well-Known Member
They produce ethylene as they “cure” but if you don’t let it out your bud will over ripen. It will turn brown and the trichomes will degrade much faster.


Well-Known Member
Still need to “burp” them to reduce buildup. For most people this won’t be an issue because you’re going to get it just dry enough and just cured enough to shmoke it all up! lol