When should I transplant my seedlings?


I am on my first grow. Growing OG Kush from feminized seeds.

I have a 600w MH bulb over my 7 seedlings. I started my grow exactly one week ago and I am wondering when I should move my plants out of a Red Solo cup into my 3 gallon pots.

I've read that I need to wait until I have a nice root structure but how can I tell? I am afraid of damaging my plants especially in the seedling stage.20150301_140925.jpg20150302_123932.jpg


Well-Known Member
Leave them in there to build roots and get strong. Transplant when they need to be watered frequently. They look good.


Well-Known Member
6in is a good rule of thumb. Gently wiggle the stem and you can tell how well rooted she is, also 3-4 sets of leaves is good practice.


I transplanted on week 2 into 3 gallon containers and they're starting to take off. I even topped them the next day, they seem to be growing the new stems just fine.Images below are 3 or 4 days after transplant20150311_162058.jpg 20150311_120736.jpg



I am growing completely organic in Roots soil. I plan to start using the Simple nutrient line from Nectar of the Gods starting week 3 which includes 4 bottles. These are grown from feminized OG Kush seeds. Going to be a good grow.. I plan to veg for 3-4 weeks total with an expected 8-9 weeks in flower
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Well-Known Member
I am growing completely organic in Roots soil. I plan to start using the Simple nutrient line from Nectar of the Gods starting week 3 which includes 4 bottles. These are grown from feminized OG Kush seeds. Going to be a good grow.. I plan to veg for 3-4 weeks total with an expected 8-9 weeks in flower
Better get them microbes workin!