When should I transplant my marijuana plant under a 400Watt hps


Active Member
Is it ok if i leave my starting marijuana plant next to a window???? If so how long should i leave it there until i should move it under my 400watt hps light which is 28 inches above the grow box which is too strong for young plants. So when do i transplant it???? and is it ok if i leave it next to a window before i transplant it??? Thank you!!


Well-Known Member
HOw big is it? , if you have your hps that high just put it in there now. HPS isnt ideal for vegging but it will work


Well-Known Member
you can put it under the 400 whenever your ready to mate, i start my seeds and veg under 2 x 125w ecolites and flower under my 600hps, but i have started seedlings off under the 600 in the past with no problems, just kept it 3' from the tops of the plants for the first week then brought the 600 down an inch every other day, they love the strong light and get bushey real quick. and an hps is fine to veg with, mh are better but run hotter.
i started my plants under my 400 watt hps and they r 2 weeks 5 inches and getting there third set of leavs so hps is good to veg! quicker than floros 4 sure.


Active Member
what size pot do you have now? I wait till my first set of five leaves starts poking out. Not sure what number of weeks in technical terms but that works for me. I also wait till just before lights out to do my transplants. Lil Less stress that way.


Active Member
Cat ate your shit bro that sucks... I let my cats have their own stash so they leave mine alone :mrgreen:. But as far as your transplant situation goes, no need to jump to a 5 gallon right away, i would switch to either a single gallon or a half gallon. I usually transplant 3 times in the plants lifetime, and they are still seedling when they have grown just a bit more.

What kind of soil are you using? :leaf:


Active Member
Cat ate your shit bro that sucks... I let my cats have their own stash so they leave mine alone :mrgreen:. But as far as your transplant situation goes, no need to jump to a 5 gallon right away, i would switch to either a single gallon or a half gallon. I usually transplant 3 times in the plants lifetime, and they are still seedling when they have grown just a bit more.

What kind of soil are you using? :leaf:
Was responding to the thread jacker my bad bongsmilie