When should i switch from 24hr lights to 12/12


These are my only 2 plants, i put a pack of cigarettes for comparison. I run the fluorescent lamps 24/7 right now, when should i switch to 12/12 or 14/10?



Well-Known Member
You can switch anytime you want. But those look kinda small to flower right now. I would waiting until they grow a bit. How tall is it?


lol seriously? those are babies still, wait until they are minimum of a foot tall then switch. also your going to have to switch containers before then or they will become root bound and wont grow nearly as well. id probably also use a separate container for each plant, but thats just me though. Good luck


Well-Known Member
It looks like its barely a few inches. How much height do you have to work with? how tall do you want it to be when its almost done flowering? Some plants only grow inches once put into flowering, some plants can double and triple in size. So knowing your genetics will help to.


It looks like its barely a few inches. How much height do you have to work with? how tall do you want it to be when its almost done flowering? Some plants only grow inches once put into flowering, some plants can double and triple in size. So knowing your genetics will help to.

There about 4 inches high, I have about 8 feet of grow space (my closet)


What size container would you recommend like a 5 gallon lowes bucket? or would something smaller work? There in a 2 gallon container now


Well-Known Member
What size container would you recommend like a 5 gallon lowes bucket? or would something smaller work? There in a 2 gallon container now
People flower from seed. So if you decide to flower right now it shouldn't be a problem.

But I advise growing when you've vegged for about a month. Since you have so much space, and No stealth to worry about Im assuming ?


People flower from seed. So if you decide to flower right now it shouldn't be a problem.

But I advise growing when you've vegged for about a month. Since you have so much space, and No stealth to worry about Im assuming ?

I have my medical marijuana card but that doesnt mean i dont want to keep it quiet so no punk kids are breaking into my house.


Well-Known Member
Let them grow man, Flowering them now wont yeild much for you later. Let them get between 1-2 feet and send them to 12 12
i would let them grow for at least one month.....i got my mmj card in aug.....everyone says you get about 2 ounces off each plant....yea flowering when here 1 foot.....depending on your lighting situation you could grow them as long and as big as you want......it didnt flower till 4 feet +...it only took 1 to 1 1/2 month....also 5 gallon buckets are good but for space i just moved my next set of babies to 3 gallon tall pots.....the hieght of your pot is whats important......i use 2 4foot t5 for veg and 4 4 foot t5s on the walls and a 400w hps (hortilux) over the top...also co2 is a great idea..........https://www.rollitup.org/albums/thumbs/93/7c4361a3200fd9f3322b69afee36bd92_93536.jpg?dl=1259115947 .............. https://www.rollitup.org/members/sd215patient-177661/albums/my-1st-grow-9524/93535-dsc05429/