When Should I Start Putting Nutrients In?


Well-Known Member
I had a quick question. My plants are 6 days old and I wasn't sure when I should start putting nutrients in the water. I read some where that if you put it in too early it will damage the plants. Does anyone know?

Thanks! :bigjoint:
-Smokey McPot


Well-Known Member
Add the nutrients at two weeks. That way they have roots. It also depends on the nutrients that you have.

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Give seedlings 200ppms of nutes and increase that to 400ppms by the second week. They need something to get them started off unless you have really hard water.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I start feeding at 3-4 weeks with a very mild solution. Then about 1/4 strenght at 5 weeks. Over ferting causes deficencys and stress.

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
I start feeding at 3-4 weeks with a very mild solution. Then about 1/4 strenght at 5 weeks. Over ferting causes deficencys and stress.
This forum is full of the blind leading the blind.
If you start a plant in a hydroponic medium of any sort it will need nutes right away unless you have VERY hard water (150ppms or greater). How else would a plant survive in a bit of water with no nutrients in it that are essential for it to grow?

Furthermore, How the hell would over fertalizing a plant cause a defficency?
Defficency means in general that the plant isnt getting the nutrients it needs not to many...
Over ferting may cause lockout if anything and that could lead to a deff untreated I suppose but you dont have to be a geneus to see something is going downhill when that starts happening. but its still because of lockout, no other way would a plant get a deff from over feeding. If anythign they get nute burn, most people mistake UNDER nuting for signs of nute burn.

guess I just am speaking out of my ass still and all the posts on these links are fabricated?


"BTW you have at least a week from planting the seeds before you will need nutes, so you can get them started before you get your nutes."



Well-Known Member
Thx for the heads up ill research more on when to add nutes right now! I do have Nutes already I bought everything I needed b4 grow and started this basil plant from a clone off my soil basil. Rep+ from me man thx lots


Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Thx for the heads up ill research more on when to add nutes right now! I do have Nutes already I bought everything I needed b4 grow and started this basil plant from a clone off my soil basil. Rep+ from me man thx lots

no problems man. I get kinda ill when people contradict advice that has been proven to work time and time again.
If these people are burning plants with too many nutrients their either adding over 600PPM to start off with, or they are mis diagnosing signs of under nute and thinking that they gave too much.
Which is a fairly common issue.

I think that your basil plant isnt getting enough oxygen to its roots though offhand. I see the leaves drooping and thats often a sign of overwatring for plants which means that there isnt enough disolved oxygen in the water to your hydro system....

. I dont know shit about growing basil though so I wont say for sure.
The other seedling down below that plant looks to be doing pretty well so far though. You must have pretty hard water for it to germinate well without nutes. Youd likely be okay starting them about 7 days after it showed its head through the surface since its made it this long on hard water.