when should i introduce my ladies to nutes?

i have some grow big by fox farm, b'cuzz growth, and some magical just not sure when i should start using them and how rapid i should increase the ammount. i dont have a ppm meter yet but my ladies are about a month-month and a half old i have em under 150 hps and have been watering them with regular tap water at a ph of 5.5-6 and also with a tbs of unsulphered molasses per gallon


Well-Known Member
how am i supposed to tell when they need food? and how much should i start them off with?
The main thing that every new grower should be doing is learning to read thier plants and with every grow it gets easier. They will talk to you and tell you what they need in several ways

here is the problem, you bought into the foxfarm thing, multiple nute parts added at different times the FF lovers will tell you to follow the feeding schedule (it's a pdf at thier website) but you can't follow it exactly or your plants will die. Of course when I read that the first time I knew not to bother with FF nutes (I did make the mistake of trying out thier soil)

to compound the problem no two gardens (anywhere) are the same so what works for one grower will not work for another, same goes with strains no two strains will react the same to your nutes or your garden and this is why you need to learn to read your plants. some one can come in and say I give em 1/2 a teaspoon per gallon of water every other watering, you say ok cool and you do it and they start to to turn brown (see it every day here) and it is because the guy that told you to do that is using different soil and has higher humidity or lower temps (the list is endless)

So to learn for self start at 1/4 strength of what ever the directions say ie: the directions say 1 teaspoon grow big to one gallon of water (hypothetical) then start with 1/4 teaspoon

Me I feed every watering but some do it every 3rd watering like water,water,feed,water,water,feed (there again every one does things differently)

I have a more detailed explanation in my calling all noob growers thread (sig link)

enjoy and good luck