When should I harvest where I live


New Member
Hey thanks for the info I took another shot today and was wonder what you think it's gonna be cold here for the next 5 day it's gonna be like 4 at night and maybe like 12 during the dad but little to no sun mostly cloudy and rainy I checked the tricoms and they look a little cloudy and I saw a few amber ones what do you think by the pictures I don't if you can tell but any help is appreciated thanks dude
Here's another one



Well-Known Member
Looking good. What do the triches look like? Cloudy? Your at the point where if needed you could pull, your not gonna gain much more. Looks like she could turn some nice colours though!! In saying that again its not the cold per-say, its the wet, and its gonna be wet for the next week so you may be in trouble. Keep an eye on it and if you see the slightest sign of bud rot pull it. Take apart a lower couple of buds see if there ok on the inside. But pull if you want its not gonna be a game changer imo.


New Member
Looking good. What do the triches look like? Cloudy? Your at the point where if needed you could pull, your not gonna gain much more. Looks like she could turn some nice colours though!! In saying that again its not the cold per-say, its the wet, and its gonna be wet for the next week so you may be in trouble. Keep an eye on it and if you see the slightest sign of bud rot pull it. Take apart a lower couple of buds see if there ok on the inside. But pull if you want its not gonna be a game changer imo.
Alright man I am gonna pull them I had 2 neighbors also come over and ask me about them lol letting me know they smoke also so I a little paranoid they may go missing also so I think I am gonna pull them thanks a lot for the advise I will shot you a few pics when they are all nice and dryer out thanks dude


Well-Known Member
Glad to help. Forgot to mention the theft factor lol. I used to worry about hunters finding mine in the swamp. Tried to have them out by opening day lol. I'm trying to find a good auto to do next year.


Well-Known Member
get the crystal ball out[loup] that will tell u your destiny.....honestly its not rocket science if your crop are in imminent danger then it is a no brainer ....chop...and start at the appropriate time next grow...


Well-Known Member
get the crystal ball out[loup] that will tell u your destiny.....honestly its not rocket science if your crop are in imminent danger then it is a no brainer ....chop...and start at the appropriate time next grow...
Unfortunately here you are limited as to when u can start if outdoors. Picking a short flowering strain is paramount to a successful grow. And also it may seem like rocket science if a newb. This year was not great for outdoor grows as it was cold and wet at the start and cold and wet at the end lol.