When should I flower? Pics Included =] 1000 watt flower


I have 10 feminized plants, all with pretty healthy growth. All organic soil grow, I'm just unsure when I should flower. They were all been transplanted into 3 gallon pots about 2 weeks ago. Height ranges between 6 and 9 inches. Space is not an issue, 10 by 13 ft room. The only real limiting factor is the 1,000 watt light.

I've never grown this many plants at once, thank you for help +rep



Well-Known Member
you can flower at any time you want. i would move your light up some tho, a couple of your plants look like they have some heat stress. and a couple over watered or need to be watered, by the leafs dropping. whats the strain? whats the soil?
you can flower at any time you want. i would move your light up some tho, a couple of your plants look like they have some heat stress. and a couple over watered or need to be watered, by the leafs dropping. whats the strain? whats the soil?
Mixed seeds all bought off attitude, 6 are OG Kush. Then one each of EZ Sativa, Northernlights Blue, Headband, annd Super Lemon Haze.
And for soil I'm using Subcool's super soil the 2010 version. The plants aren't in mint condition, I know its only my 2nd grow. Compared to my first I'm ok with how they're doing. Heat at the canopy level has never risen above 71* so thats why I've lowered the light to about a foot away. I'm still experimenting alot, really not expecting perfect plants yet.

I'm mainly just concered about when to flowered, worried about vegging too long and not having the light to cover the canopy. So if anyone has experience flowering around 10 plants under a 1000 watter it would really help.


Well-Known Member
my guess would be to flip to flower when they get about 12" tall. thats when i flower mine, but i also only have a 400.


Well-Known Member
1000w is plenty for 10 plants. You can hang it at 24-30 inches and still get great intensity. I use a huge reflector too to cover more area