When should I flip? New grower need help :/

When you say cuts do you mean I should top a few more collars before flipping? Ok great I understand now :) and I prefer to smoke but I do make edibles here n there :)!
Thanks for your feed back Fandango I really appreciate it :)!!

The cuts come off the bottom this will improve air flow at the same time.
Since you are not running the standard HPS light,you will have plenty of pop corn buds down lower,this can be smoked too.
I make dry ice kief from the small buds and sugar leaf
You can put the kief on top of your bud bowls or like I do is make chocolate bars,which are super for sleep and dreaming
The cuts come off the bottom this will improve air flow at the same time.
Since you are not running the standard HPS light,you will have plenty of pop corn buds down lower,this can be smoked too.
I make dry ice kief from the small buds and sugar leaf
You can put the kief on top of your bud bowls or like I do is make chocolate bars,which are super for sleep and dreaming

Great makes perfect sense! Will do my lower/inner cuts now, I'll cut off the small secondary shoots that aren't getting much light and are growing slowly. Thanks a lot for the advice Fandango!! :D
The chocolate bars are real medicine.If you like I can give you the recipe,maybe someone you know could use some good rest while they recover from some kind of problem?
Great makes perfect sense! Will do my lower/inner cuts now, I'll cut off the small secondary shoots that aren't getting much light and are growing slowly. Thanks a lot for the advice Fandango!! :D

some times cuts are hard to root,do you know what to do to make them grow?
The chocolate bars are real medicine.If you like I can give you the recipe,maybe someone you know could use some good rest while they recover from some kind of problem?
That would be pretty cool if you done that :). I'm sure me and a friend would give that a crack :D!! :peace:
some times cuts are hard to root,do you know what to do to make them grow?
Hm not really, do you mind explaining? If not I'm happy to do my own research on the net, but as you probably know it's pretty hard on the net as their are so many opinions out there n what not. :))
I make a bunch of chocolate bars for several people that can not find it easy to sleep.

What you need is a 220 micron bag(5 gallon size)1 bucket and some dry ice.
it helps if you collect a lot of sugar leaf(seperate the fan leaf and toss it)

I am lucky because in a season I can collect several trash bags of material from growers around here,so I make about 200 or so grams of kief in 1 year.

small run= about 1 gallon of sugar leaf/small buds
buy 3 lbs dry ice.
Now take about 2oz of trim and put it in the bag with 3 baseball size chucks of ice.Wait 5 minutes or less and shake the bag while over the 5 gallon bucket.stop and rest,shake again and watch for the power to fall into the bucket.
When the powder stops coming out,you are done.
Return on 1 oz of good trim is about 10-15% weight.

So 2 oz should give you about 6 grams of kief,just right for 1 batch of chocolate bars.6 bars with 6 grams a batch.
Each bar is good for 4 doses.
I have molds purchased on line.
You can use a small dish instead of the molds,pour the melted chocolate on the dish and put it the freezer.

measure the kief 6 grams...put the oven @250 degrees
Put the kief on tin foil in the pre heated oven for 55 minutes
The last 20 minutes put a bowl of chocolate chips in the oven
You will need 1 1/2 bags of chocolate
Now take the kief out of the oven and put it into a small glass of some sort,add 1 or 2 tbs of coconut oil and mix it until it is smooth
Now pull out the bowl of melted chocolate and add the kief mix.
Stir it together well...pour into dish or mold...put in freezer.wrap in tin foil and keep it in the freezer.
Hm not really, do you mind explaining? If not I'm happy to do my own research on the net, but as you probably know it's pretty hard on the net as their are so many opinions out there n what not. :))

The easy way is to use an aero cloner...plug and play.
Other than that you will use RW cubes and a dome tray...but you have to have room temps just right and humidity levels in check.
cfl lighting close to dome lid.
I can take cuts from a flowering plant with the ez-cloner....that is a bonus when you want to save a plant for later grows
Great! Thanks for all your help Fandango, really appreciate it! Will be sure to make some chocolate bars that sounds fun. Thanks for the cloning advice also! Happy growing cheers :D!!
Hello all :),
Today I'm going to flip my white widow and I was just wondering do I need to give her say 24hours darkness prior to changing my light cycle from 24hrs to 12/12 ? Does 18/6 sound good? :/
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Thank you so much in advance for any comments/help!! I really appreciate it and am a bit stuck on this one.
Hello all I flipped my white widow from 24hours to 12/12 10 days ago. I can see her white pistils have sprouted and are showing and the little flowers on her collars. Here's a few photos how's she look? What do you guys think? :) please leave me some feed back!! It's highly appreciated cheers RUI! :D

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