if it's free stuff, then why are you complaining about the fact that he will raise taxes for people who are not as poor as you?
i mean, you are on free shit. you rely on social security, medicare, and so many other federal government programs that are socialist on nature.
under sanders, you would not pay a dime more, since you have no income. you are a taker, a net negative, a moocher if you will.
under a bernie sanders presidency, i would pay just a little more (i am in the $100k+ income range). a person who earns in the millions would pay significantly more.
i do not mind paying just a little more to make sure you can take 7 different prescription drugs every day in order to not die, grandpa. i care about you. the weak and infirm, like you, deserve the mercy and compassion of earners like me.
let's face it, tiny benis. you earn nothing, and have no taxable income. bernie sanders would only benefit you, while "hurting" people like me with his democratic socialism.
so why do you make sure to vote against your best interests?