When pseudoscience harms

I had a feeling you were in the military with your sexist attitude. Like i said, you probably condone the rape of your female counterparts being that are military. It would suck to find out you were married with your sexism agenda. Like i said, once you can run a 200meter sprint under 21seconds or beat missy franklin in a swim sprint or after you can beat the world record clean and jerk for females, please, keep you dangerous beliefs to yourself
You ignore what is in front of your face because it disagrees with your idea of equality. Clearly, men and women are different. Thus unequal. Is one better than the other? Depends on the task at hand. And the individual. Calling his beliefs "dangerous" is just demonizing those who don't agree with you. A common excuse by tyrants to persecute and murder throughout history. Accusing him of condoning rape is no more excusable than he accusing you of the same.
Dude, you are retarded. You are ignoring the first questioned posed to you, can you beat any of these female record holders? I know you cant, so how does that make you feel? You get beat by the thing you hate the most. It dont matter if others support what you say, you are still a bigot ans sexist dude. Others just support you to go against what i say. You give females no chance to show they can succeed. Biological factors are limited cause they are related to internal functions. Real world applications are what count, women out perform men in many areas http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505125_162-31549315/women-stars-outperform-men-in-new-jobs/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukn...form-men-at-all-universities-study-finds.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/16/study-womens-teams-outper_n_501380.html I dont hate women like you do, i believe in equality for all no matter what "biological" whatever shit said they have. So are you married? And why do you hate women so much?
Pretending he hates women just because he disagrees with you is asinine. Just as is accusing him of condoning rape. Are you really so intellectually void?
I have a friend like this as well. He believes the zombie virus is loose in Florida. He thinks colloidal silver cures aids. I have never let him know I am a skeptic. It would only amount to pointless conversation while I am usually looking to end our exchanges asap.
This is a "friend"?