Well-Known Member
Why are you on this forum?I don't smoke it in any case
You can be pro 19, I am, but you need to understand that everybody on this forum who is voting no, has a reason for voting no. Don't go with the default: "They want to make more money" assumption. This prop has the potential to really piss off the feds, and that could mean hell for 215. I think that is a lot of people's concerns. I personally do not think this will happen, which is why I'm voting yes, but you need to understand that it is possible for negative repercussions to spring out of nowhere because of 19.
Some people don't feel like bud should be taxed. It's a plant for fuck's sake, there should only be one tax on it, and that's sales tax.
For people who live in already weed friendly counties, this prop doesn't do much, and enforces some restrictions that haven't really been enforced since they were created in 2000.
Some people don't like that the age restriction is 21, which really I feel like won't affect the sales too much, it'll be like alcohol, but they believe jail time will follow if someone over 21 shares a joint with someone under 21. That would really suck ass.
Some people think that cops will be dicks about 215 and only pay attention to 19. Cops are notorious for being assholes, and it is very likely that if you do not bring up the exact citation from the prop that says your exempt, the cop will deny it's existence. However, I have memorized sections 7 and 8, so I'm alright there.
Those are the four major areas of controversy I've found by talking to the "no on 19 crowd." I used to think that arguing my point was a good idea, but I realized that it is possible for the prop to go either way, I guess I'm being optimistic, while the "no crowd" is being pessimistic. We'll just see what happens come November 3rd. The biggest step has already been made, getting a mj legalization measure on the ballot. It's not like after this one dies (I have a feeling it probably will) there won't be another one that pops up next year. Patience is a virtue, if you want buds to be legal then just keep voting yes whenever you feel like the prop benefits you. The whole point of voting is to benefit yourself, don't get angry at people who vote no because they are benefiting themselves, if you were in their shoes you would do the same.