Nor racist.i don't.
pretty sure she's not into gay racists.
not that there's anything wrong with being gay.
Anyway. She's with you. She wouldn't know what it's like to be with a real man.
Nor racist.i don't.
pretty sure she's not into gay racists.
not that there's anything wrong with being gay.
I know it's hard sometimes...Funny; me thinks somebody got "owned"!
Meltdown time ----
Nor racist.
Anyway. She's with you. She wouldn't know what it's like to be with a real man.
What do you do when you're not getting the outrage you were looking for by showing ISIS cut the heads off motherfuckers with glorified steak knives?
Well, if you're the liberal media, you play the "rape" card, of course:
Interesting that the media seems to believe that raping a chick is somehow worse than murdering men, but then I imagine most liberals would hold the same opinion, as they truly hate men, especially if they're white.
i wonder if it's considered rape if two retarded people go at it. you may be in the clear here.
I love how you think lawyers are some sort of elite class of people who don't make spelling errors and would never grow weed outdoors.
A good portion of the lawyers I know are total rejects.
40% is kind of high.correction: they're mostly rejects.
my attorney had $30k in escrow for a year and was supposed to negotiate the lien from the wc company had on 3rd party settlement.
my number was $15k.
all i ever heard was "they're so mean".."they don't want to negotiate"..he actually had those funds as a result of the 3rd party settlement in which he needed to negotiate lien, THEN divvy up the money.."gonna do me a favor" he takes his 40% off the top (of course), give me my estimated and kept the 30k and was supposed to finish up. well, now he's in no hurry, i paid who i owed and needed the balance. he wasn't gonna get anymore because the negotiation with wc was part of the he fucking dragged his feet in order to leverage the interest of that money.
know what i did? i took it away from him. told him his services would no longer be required. contacted the insurance company and i did the deal myself in one (1) email for..$15k.
40% is kind of high.
It's usually 1/3 and that's supposed to be somewhat of a standardized maximum for ethical reasons. Not that it's illegal to charge more. But the idea is you shouldn't be taking too much of your clients compensation.
There are a lot of totally incompetent attorneys out there and lazy ones. Not sure which is worse.
Glad you got the money you needed though.
Odd that settlement without trial is more since going to trial is so much more work, time, and expensive.actually, it's 40% for settlement without trial.
33% with trial.
that is the going rate in sf.
well he actually committed a bar offense by distributing the money without benefit of full settlement.
this guys has been my attorney for 15 years and has always done a good job which is why he gets repeat and referrals..but the settle with WC was bullshit.
taking it away from him and conducting the negotiation myself?
bit of slap in the face..the only one i could give.
but i sure showed his ass that he won't do that to me again.