When lopping off heads isn't evil enough...


Well-Known Member
What do you do when you're not getting the outrage you were looking for by showing ISIS cut the heads off motherfuckers with glorified steak knives?

Well, if you're the liberal media, you play the "rape" card, of course:


Interesting that the media seems to believe that raping a chick is somehow worse than murdering men, but then I imagine most liberals would hold the same opinion, as they truly hate men, especially if they're white.
What do you do when you're not getting the outrage you were looking for by showing ISIS cut the heads off motherfuckers with glorified steak knives?

Well, if you're the liberal media, you play the "rape" card, of course:


Interesting that the media seems to believe that raping a chick is somehow worse than murdering men, but then I imagine most liberals would hold the same opinion, as they truly hate men, especially if they're white.

3 months later, support for our never ending bombing of brown people is losing steam. Gotta get those poll numbers up somehow.

What's the score anyway? Are we winning yet?

Last time I saw any reports, the same cities that were under control of ISIS before the bombing are still under control after the bombings.
What do you do when you're not getting the outrage you were looking for by showing ISIS cut the heads off motherfuckers with glorified steak knives?

Well, if you're the liberal media, you play the "rape" card, of course:


Interesting that the media seems to believe that raping a chick is somehow worse than murdering men, but then I imagine most liberals would hold the same opinion, as they truly hate men, especially if they're white.
more bold Freedom Fighters Fighting For Their Freedom To Be Bastards!
maybe whats his face was "Freedom Fighting when he knocked down that tiny asian man for a box of cigarillos
maybe eric garner was "Freedom Fighting" with the cops like a black cliven bundy... (according to "The Atlantic" thats exactly what he was)
maybe poor sainted trayvon "Crispus Attucks" martin was "Freedom Fighting" to stop "White Hispanics" from being on the neighborhood watch.

also, as i understand it, if it's legitimate Freedom Fighting, the body has a way of shutting itself down...

too soon?
What do you do when you're not getting the outrage you were looking for by showing ISIS cut the heads off motherfuckers with glorified steak knives?

Well, if you're the liberal media, you play the "rape" card, of course:


Interesting that the media seems to believe that raping a chick is somehow worse than murdering men, but then I imagine most liberals would hold the same opinion, as they truly hate men, especially if they're white.
You hear it all the time... "Violent crimes like rape and murder."

Rape is only violent when she puts up a fight. The female decides to make the rape violent most of the time. Dude just wants to get his rocks off. He usually wont just beat her for shits and giggles.
That said, rape has some level of violence, but nothing like murder. Typical rape violence is akin to yelling at someone loudly.
You hear it all the time... "Violent crimes like rape and murder."

Rape is only violent when she puts up a fight. The female decides to make the rape violent most of the time. Dude just wants to get his rocks off. He usually wont just beat her for shits and giggles.
That said, rape has some level of violence, but nothing like murder. Typical rape violence is akin to yelling at someone loudly.

and that right there is the sharp wit that leaves you working at subway with your parents paying the rent until they find out that you're boffing dudes out of desperation.
You hear it all the time... "Violent crimes like rape and murder."

Rape is only violent when she puts up a fight. The female decides to make the rape violent most of the time. Dude just wants to get his rocks off. He usually wont just beat her for shits and giggles.
That said, rape has some level of violence, but nothing like murder. Typical rape violence is akin to yelling at someone loudly.

Well it certainly isn't on the level of murder.

I mean, women have rape fantasies. They get dressed all slutty and find all kinds of excuses to go walking alone at night. Rapists are just granting them there wish.

Im sure there are actual rapes out there. But most of them are either made up entirely, or the man is lured into it by the woman who is rape seeking.
Well it certainly isn't on the level of murder.

I mean, women have rape fantasies. They get dressed all slutty and find all kinds of excuses to go walking alone at night. Rapists are just granting them there wish.

Im sure there are actual rapes out there. But most of them are either made up entirely, or the man is lured into it by the woman who is rape seeking.

You are full of shit and your sockpuppet just died.
Rape is violent to the extreme and very often times ends in a beating or murder.
See, it ain't about sex or "getting your rocks off" - it's about ultimate control and domination of another person.

But I can see you don't "see".

Feel me?
You are full of shit and your sockpuppet just died.
Rape is violent to the extreme and very often times ends in a beating or murder.
See, it ain't about sex or "getting your rocks off" - it's about ultimate control and domination of another person.

But I can see you don't "see".

Feel me?
If I raped anyone, it'd be because they were hot and had been teasing me. I don't understand any other reason.

And no joke, not a sock puppet. A different person has operated Smokeydan from the moment of it's inception until this very moment.
If I raped anyone, it'd be because they were hot and had been teasing me.

what about the wheelchair bound invalid you raped?

When I was in high school I had to look after some girl with spina bifidia (sp?) She was in a wheel chair and couldn't talk. I think she's passed now, but anyway, I was just kidding around and said something sexual. She grunted as she often did, but there was something special about this grunt, like she understood me and wanted to try it out.

So I took her out of the chair, took her diaper off, and went at it. Wiped her off, I even put on a fresh diaper, and put her back in her chair.
My brother...Smokydan is infact, my brother.

so you start off claiming you have no idea who he is.

then you say you know him.

then he's your lawyer.

then he's your best friend.

and now he's your brother.

are you starting to see why we don't believe your lies anymore?
so you start off claiming you have no idea who he is.

then you say you know him.

then he's your lawyer.

then he's your best friend.

and now he's your brother.

are you starting to see why we don't believe your lies anymore?
Yeah, he's my little brother.

He moved in with me about 6 months ago . Rents my basement.

I don't you you any explanations bucktard.