when is to late to lst

chief blunts

Active Member
im not planning on going balls to the wall with it, however my plants when flipped at least tripled in size, meaning they are bigger than i had hoped- im still in my first week or two of actual flowering (took my gals around 2 weeks on the dot to show) and im about a week after that maybe a tad more.

was wondering if when the lights come on tonight i can gently try and tie the main stalk at a slight bend to increase my light penetration, when i grow outside ill tie em down whenever i want...(and never had a problem)

but i know indoors they are more likely to be stressed and herm..

my space is not limited in the least im just trying to milk these ladies for all their worth...

stretching is "nearly" complete however, so im on the fence..

i have 5 ladies (out of 7 that hit the ground!!!!!!!) and running 389 act watts of 2700k with a few extra 6500k's in there..

with my current setup. regular folding table in the walk in closet under (so shot i dont know what to call it ) the bar you hang your clothes on- i have all my 23w'ers ontop of the the plants hanging from the bar and 2 68 watters in between a couple of the girls.... so it is hard to get extra lighting to the sides without extenders and such and also due to my current setup my reflective material is not really helping much- so i want to train and add some more lighting to make up for the lost light and penetration...

any insight guys?


Well-Known Member
Yes go ahead and LST them whenever you want. Its called LOW STRESS training for a reason. If dont do anything catastrophically wrong then LST should never stress a plant enough to make it go hermie.


Well-Known Member
Try your LST after a good watering which will make the stems a bit more pliable. Also,when you do bend, grab it with your fingers and gently work it back and fourth a bit.


I had tried the LST technique and was able to have my plant grow while at a 90 degree angle I had to tie it down or it would want to grow upwards again. I recommend you try it, but go easy as long as you dont break the steam all the way it WILL recover. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Great point on watering before doing LST, especially if your stems are tough and woody. LST really doesnt slow a plant down or stress them at all, I LST all of my plants that I grow indoors. Its really the only way to go, you have total control over how and where your plant grows so I cant imagine why anyone wouldnt LST all the time (unless your doing a SOG or growing outdoors). LST is the best best thing ever for indoor growing, theres no reason to be scarred or cautious of LST as long as your not snapping all of your limbs off. Just do it! Once you get the hang of it you'll be hooked and you'll also have a better understanding of how plants grow.

chief blunts

Active Member
watered and tied down two of them.. gonna get the other ones tom when the lights come back on, the two i tied down are responding nicely even after only a few hours, i honestly did not expect them to triple in size so i felt my wattage was sufficient, been running into rookie move after after rookie move- shottily moved the lights earlier and scorched the hell out of one of my fan leaves, i know it will hurt and slow her down bad- but anyone who has grown knows you learn 10 fold every run, this is about my 4th or 5th time round the block, just a tad rusty-

its also a warmup for my next spot (much nicer enclosed area with constant temps) act gonna gonna try out my guerilla thumbs in the jungle as well.......

and while i got wonderful people checking in on me should i be scared to drench with big bloom? i know its fairly "cool" as far as nutrients go, so should i be working at full strength, i used about a cap full on the first dose and the bud formation exploded, also all i've added thus far is a tad bit of bone meal and the big bloom- i know cal mag is right around the corner-also when do i start with the molasses? any other cheap remedies i can scoop to aide in my flowers?