When is the soonest time that I could stop vegging and start flowering?


Well-Known Member
like ive heard you could veg your plant for 3 weeks and then can flower , ive heard some people veg for 2months, ofcorce they get more bud but just wondering when is the earlyest a person could start flowering?


Well-Known Member
um no i havent check my previous threads, anytime? haha well i think theres a point were to early would kill the plant


Well-Known Member
you can stop veggin anytime you want...but you have more chance of hermie...
im sorry dude but thats just not true......many people do 12/12 from seed and clone with no hermie problem. My clones dont get more than 10 days of veg and i have had only 1 hermie doing this perpetual system


Well-Known Member
the veg time is not important unless you want bigger plants. It matters not if you start flowering when ever you want dude dont listen to people telling you that you will have hermies and shit if you start flowering when you want to


Well-Known Member
im sorry dude but thats just not true......many people do 12/12 from seed and clone with no hermie problem. My clones dont get more than 10 days of veg and i have had only 1 hermie doing this perpetual system

It is true, but only if growing from seed. Clones (from a mature plant) do not experience the same shock when flowered early, since they are already mature. Seedlings do, however. The chances are small, and many people get away with it, moreso if using good genetics, but the risk is still increased by flowering before the plant is sexually mature.


Well-Known Member
If you are taking clones from a MATURE plant then you can go right into bloom. You don't need any veg time.

You COULD go from seed right to 12/12 HOWEVER the plant will NOT start producing flowers (buds) until it is sexually mature. I've heard different lengths of time it takes but all my experience from seed has been about 8w.

I hope that helps,


Well-Known Member
It is true, but only if growing from seed. Clones (from a mature plant) do not experience the same shock when flowered early, since they are already mature. Seedlings do, however. The chances are small, and many people get away with it, moreso if using good genetics, but the risk is still increased by flowering before the plant is sexually mature.
no dude its not true.....atleast in my experience....you can put a seed in 12/12 but it wont actually produce buds untill it is sexually mature so it will grow and it is not enough shock to cause a hermie in most cases.....Many people grow 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
no dude its not true.....atleast in my experience....you can put a seed in 12/12 but it wont actually produce buds untill it is sexually mature so it will grow and it is not enough shock to cause a hermie in most cases.....Many people grow 12/12 from seed
You are correct that many people do it, but it is still a form of stress. If you use good genetics, it probably won't be a factor, but the risk is definately increased, especially if the seed is from questionable genetics. I'm not saying not to do it, just that there are some risks involved.


Well-Known Member
I just see so many people talking about specific things you have to do or your seeds wont germinate or your plants will die

I was smokin a bowl on some regs the other day and i was just throwin the seeds at my ashtray and i guess one of them landed in a cup with like just a tiny amount of water....well 2 days go by and i pick the cup up to wash it out and to my surprise there is a germinated seed with a 1 inch taproot on it.......i didn't do anything but throw a seed and it germinated that shit is simple
(true story) i found the cup with the seed 3 days ago


Well-Known Member
I just see so many people talking about specific things you have to do or your seeds wont germinate or your plants will die

I was smokin a bowl on some regs the other day and i was just throwin the seeds at my ashtray and i guess one of them landed in a cup with like just a tiny amount of water....well 2 days go by and i pick the cup up to wash it out and to my surprise there is a germinated seed with a 1 inch taproot on it.......i didn't do anything but throw a seed and it germinated that shit is simple
(true story) i found the cup with the seed 3 days ago
Lol. I hear what you are saying, but some people are just born luckier than others.

I have a friend who is learning the basics, and repeatedly asks for my advice. He has another friend who just harvested a single plant from a closet, under a 250 HPS, with no ventilation and no fan. This guy apparently just threw his seed into a large pot, watered it when he could be bothered, giving it no nutes at all except what was present in the soil, and still managed to grow the plant to a decent size, "with huge buds" apparently. The plant was siezed by police, since he didn't obey the first rule, but that is another story.

My friend is constantly trying to emulate this style of grow, and is failing miserably. Every time I advise him something, like buying a fan, he replies "well, xxx didn't have a fan and his plant grew fine". Same with proper watering schedules, potting up, ventilation, light distance from plant etc. It's got to the point where i have almost given up advising him. Every time it's like "why is my plant stretched?", "why are my leaves drooping/yellow" etc.

My point is that some people have an easier time of things than others, and the unlucky ones need to take all the variables into account to be successful. I hear what you are saying about doom-mongerers, and to be honest there is a lot of misinformation perpetuated on these boards. I try not to be one of these people, and in this instance, i'm only saying that there is an increased hermie risk if you flower too early with an easily stressed strain.