When IS the bowl cashed?


Active Member
A friend of mine once told me of a theory about the "cashedness" of a bowl. He proposed that after flame touched the herb you have effectivly cooked off all the trich's rendering the rest of the bowl MOSTLY useless.
While I disagree that all of it is gone, it got me thinkin at what point is it worthless to contiue smokin a bowl for the high you are getting.

Assume you have an unlimited supply of weed.


Well-Known Member
your friend likes to waste weed,he iss a butfuck idiot.u dont burn all the trichs off at once,the majority gets burned all the way till the ashes there will be some left in the ashes in witch u can make hash or whatever.bottom line is your friend is pretty damn wrong.


Active Member
if your friend was right one bowl would only get one guy high.
if all the trichs were burnt in the first hit. I believe they melt down and get absorbed within rest of the bud.
i think the green hit is the best tasting hit in my opinion.:blsmoke:
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Active Member
dude are you serious, i have smoked half a bowl and got ripped then smoked the rest a couple hours later and got ripped again, so maybe its not going to taste as good as the "green hit" tasted but trust me you will still get high


Well-Known Member
that is true with a blunt or joint but a bowl burns the trichs that are present,basicly fresh taste every hit.


Well-Known Member
I pack snaps in bongs so you get 1 good hit per bowl. Maybe a second crappy hit to pull the ash through the bowl. I make sure as much of it is ash before snapping through. I see too many people snap bowls and pull fresh green into the bong. Take a look at the green bud in the water and you'll see a bunch of trics still on it. To me, that's been wasted. A friend of mine does that all the time. I'll be honest with you guys...when I see buds in my bong water and I'm desperate, I strain the unsmoked buds, dry it, and smoke it. Haven't had to do this in a while but it works in times of needs.

With pipes, I stop smoking it once it tastes like shit. There is usually a hit or two left at that point. Sometimes you can flip it and will find fresh green on the other side.


Well-Known Member
takes alot of ash buty it can be done,not a good smoke but if ur dry and desperate and no money than its the way to go to get a decent buzz


Active Member
While I value your input, is it nessicary to bash a person you don't know with such harsh terms. Also I understand that there is still SOME THC there but is it worth smokin for the taste you have to deal with for the little hight you will get.