When is the best time for me to start adding Nutrients?


Active Member
:???:My plant is only 10 days into vegetation! I am also using Fox Farm Soil. I just transferred my plant into this FF soil on FEB 6 which was only 4 days ago 5 days today! I am curious to know when can i start using Nutrients with the FF Brand SOIL. Should i wait 3-4 weeks more? Can i add nutrients now? The soil has enough nutrients in it for about 1 month! So a little confused!
I don't want to give the plant to much just because she is a little baby! Lots of people are saying to start giving it nutrients when there are about 5-6 more leaves grown in or nodes if I'm not mistaken!
Also, for my knowledge: "When nutrients are started, after i do my water mix and PPM and PH balance, Am i feeding the nutrients threw the soil or threw foilage feedings or both?
Please advice will be great!
Here is a pic for you to see if it is ready for nutrients or not!!!!!
+REP for great answer


Well-Known Member
What, you didn't like the answers you got when you asked this a few days ago? :wall:

You seem to be in a real hurry to over nute your plants, so go for it. Experience is a good teacher and it looks like you aren't going to learn patience any other way.

What is so confusing about "enough nutrients for about 1 month"? It means, nothing else needs to be added. It is a hot soil to begin with and you want to make it toxic.:roll:

I'm sure this isn't the 'great' answer you were looking for and I'll bet you don't wait the 3+ weeks before dumping nutes on them.:!:



Well-Known Member
What, you didn't like the answers you got when you asked this a few days ago? :wall:

You seem to be in a real hurry to over nute your plants, so go for it. Experience is a good teacher and it looks like you aren't going to learn patience any other way.

What is so confusing about "enough nutrients for about 1 month"? It means, nothing else needs to be added. It is a hot soil to begin with and you want to make it toxic.:roll:

I'm sure this isn't the 'great' answer you were looking for and I'll bet you don't wait the 3+ weeks before dumping nutes on them.:!:

Listen to this man.


Well-Known Member
Dude, your tips are already burnt from nutes- go slow- if you are nuted for a month, wait until they look like they need food- or at least a month..


Active Member
I only ask these question because as i read some of these THREADS I notice people adding nutrients at a early stage in grow......Don't SHOOT ME!
I'm still a NEWBEE with lots of questions. And this is the place to get them answered Properly?


You dont need Nutrients yet...especially with FF soil...What you need is a good flush with ph adjusted water because you already have nutrient burn. If you want your seedling to live you will not add any nutrients for a few weeks. When you do need to add nutrients in about 3-4 weeks start at 1/4 strength and work your way up. You should be mixing your nutrients and water first...then adjust your ph to about 6.3 and top feed through your soil until you see about 5-10%run off.