I just want to clarify the inverse square law and where/when/how it applies. It happens to be the most sighted but least understood scientific principle on these forums. What the inverse square law says is that as light spreads in an unconfined space the light will decrease in "density"/intensity by the factor of the distance squared. The distance squared is also the size of footprint the light would produce. Now when you line the walls with a highly reflective liner, the light can nolonger spread, and as a result it cannot reduce in "density"/intensity. So in the case of growing in a confined space, the inverse square law only applies to the distance the light will travel until reaching a reflective surface + an adjustment factor based on the reflectivity % of the material. If you had 100% reflective walls it would make no difference if the light was up 3ft or 30ft.
So based on this I could have my Hps at what height and still be at moderate lighting
I have 60% reflectivity based on a study I read about reflective materials
And my walls are only 3x4 white paint