When I'd budworm season over?


Well-Known Member
I've tried to research this and couldn't find any answers. I'm wondering if there is a certain time frame when the moths lay their eggs. I'm in NorCal and I started seeing budworms in Sept., that's when my buds started to fatten up. I noticed the worms seem to attack the ripest/densest buds first. Now a week into Oct. I still have a few plants that haven't finished yet, they started to flower 2 to 3 wks after my other plants. These late flowering plants have had no signs of budworms at all. I've also noticed that budworms seem to prefer some strains over others. My Girl Scout Cookie plants have barely been touched by them, after harvesting 2 GSC's I only found one very small area of damage, that's it. It seems that there is a window of time when these moths lay their eggs. It would be very helpful to know if and when budworm season starts and ends. Would love to hear some feedback on this. Thanks.
Sorry about the mis-spelled title, tried to edit but I guess you can not edit titles.
It actually ends while you're drying your harvest. They will stay in (on) the plants until the plants start drying, then you'll see them bailing. Sorry - Good luck.
I've read that the moths responsible for the worms are prone to laying eggs around the time of full moons. It does seem to coincide with the lunar cycle. Right now, I am pretty clear (with a little help from BT)
Keep your yard clear of worms by spraying grub killers and spray all non edible plants with a heavy mouth killer to reduce your breeding population. Add for when the worms are gone? Never.
I've noticed that since its become cooler lately I haven't had anymore budworms. Could cool weather be a factor?
This year was my first at growing outdoors.
I had one of the bug zappers on my patio a couple of years ago. It would fill up with dead moths about once a week.
I just harvested and saw about 15 caterpillar type worms. Four green ones about an inch long and the rest were a grey color that were about 3/4 of an inch long and smaller.
Do any of you know how close to my plants I can put one of the bug zappers without the light effecting my plants?