when i spritz my plants do i lose crystals forming on my buds

Los Muertos

Active Member
Don't really have a definate answer, but personally, I wouldn't do any spritzing after you start seeing crystals.
I've always heard not to spray after about the 2nd or 3rd week of flowering or you risk bud rot. I'm thinking,
why risk it? Are you spraying to increase humidity or just showing some love?


Well-Known Member
If you need to raise humidity, put a humidifier near the intake. I've noticed that a lot of the newer humidifiers put out "invisible" mist and those don't really do much. I use one of the type below and it actually puts out steam and works GREAT. Just adjust it back and forth until you get the RH where you want it.


Most stores sell them. If you're in the USA, I know Target sells them. They'd be in the baby section.


Well-Known Member
but still nobody answered my question will spritzing them wash away the crystals on my plant?
No. Resin isn't water soluble. Think about it, outdoor plants get rained on and don't lose all their crystals. The only concern with spraying buds is bud rot AFIK. Being that resin/THC isn't water soluble, that's the reason dope stays in your system so long. It attaches to your fat cells and isn't passed out of the body as easily.

I've heard of people spraying their plants with rubbing alcohol to get rid of mites. Now that's some stupid shit. Alcohol WILL dissolve resin.