When I prune...

Okay, I am doing this just for fun, not really expecting a whole lot.

I have 12 plants in jiffy pots, one plant that is planted with Yarrow and one plant that is just in a terracotta pot.

The seedlings get bottom heat under two CFL's and my older plants are outside in full sun all day.

I am also going to experiment with different organic means of growing my pot.
My two oldest plants are very healthy and about a foot tall, light green leaves (thinking they are predominantly Sativa)

I used seeds from bags I bought and from friends that had them. Most of the seeds sprouted, I didn't even bother with the white or smaller ones.

I live in Zone 7B, is it worth growing outside?

Also, when I prune my plants, can I smoke what I prune off?


Well-Known Member
North Carolina stays warm til late oct? You may be able to pull off a sativa grow there, where I live I cant even think about outdoor sativa. You can smoke anything you want, if its not flowers its not going to do a whole lot for ya.
Ahh thanks!

Yeah, it stays warm until even later where I live.

I have smoked it, I mean, it does a little bit, not as much as bud though. Thanks for the help. :] I should be able to post pics soon.