When does Week One of Flowering Begin?


Well-Known Member
When does week one of flowering begin?

When you switch to 12/12?

When you see the 1st sign of white hairs?

Or when flowers & buds start to form?

I'm asking because I'm interested in about when they'll be ready for harvest.



New Member
flowering starts after the flowers become visible(male or fem).
this can be pre flowers in veg mode or 1 week after switching to 12/12.
if there is no signs of sex in late veg or early 12/12 wait untill you can see signs of sex before you assume its flowering regardless of light times.


Well-Known Member
best way to know that is use day 1 of 12/12 as a guide for how many weeks, but get a scope to check out the trichomes to let you know when they are truly ready. if you want couchlock, get those trichs 50-70% amber, if you want a heady high, cut when trichs are cloudy and maybe 10% amber