When does the aromal really kick in?


Active Member
I'm a first time grower, and early on in my first veg. I'm just wondering at what point does the weed aroma really kick in. They have a faint smell that is in the room, but nothing overwhelming. I'm obviously thinking once they start to bud, but I'm just wondering from the people who have been there done that. When does the smell pick up. I bought a fan and ducting, but didn't have the money yet for the carbon filter so it will probably be a few weeks before I pick that up. Just wondering when the aroma really perks up. Thanks guys. Smart ass comments not needed. lol. If they're funny though that will work too. I reserve the right to make fun of you if it's a bad one though. ;-)

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I'm a first time grower, and early on in my first veg. I'm just wondering at what point does the weed aroma really kick in. They have a faint smell that is in the room, but nothing overwhelming. I'm obviously thinking once they start to bud, but I'm just wondering from the people who have been there done that. When does the smell pick up. I bought a fan and ducting, but didn't have the money yet for the carbon filter so it will probably be a few weeks before I pick that up. Just wondering when the aroma really perks up. Thanks guys. Smart ass comments not needed. lol. If they're funny though that will work too. I reserve the right to make fun of you if it's a bad one though. ;-)
Yeah Scrog is right. The only thing I can add is get your ventilation in early or you will be caught with your bud down :)


Active Member
I have a small 2 plant 200 watt cfl grow from seed and It's almost week 7 in veg, already the plants are getting pretty stinky inside the crawl space. So much so that there is no way I could leave them in there while they flower, my whole house would stink. Now I'm running around like a crazy man trying to build a tent with adequate odor neutralization.

This is the DIY carbon filter that I'm going to try...



Active Member
Yeah Scrog is right. The only thing I can add is get your ventilation in early or you will be caught with your bud down :)

I'm not that worried about it. I'm definitely getting the filter, but for right now, it's just me and my fiance here and it's in the closet of a bedroom. I actually love the smell. lol. The room is well ventilated and doesn't smell too much right now. I'm only 5 weeks from seed, and they had some setbacks because I planted them too low. They got saved, but are a week or two behind because of it. They also just got a light on them a week ago. Prior they had been moved in and outside since being seeds. Not the best way, but I wanted to see how easy/hard, and I figured its a good control. This is a soil and water grow so far. Also, I knew I wasn't going to have the money to get everything all at once, so a basic grow after I got the light will be good so I can (hopefully) see the whole process. They should take off now though (at least I"m hoping) because they've had the 1000W MH over them for a week and a couple days ago I replanted them into 5 gallon buckets from a small 1 gallon. They were over ready to be moved. Should have done that earlier, but doesn't matter at this point. I'm really just hoping for some smokable stuff from this grow. Buying seeds soon. Can't wait.