When does stretching stop (in flowering stage)?


Active Member
Do they stretch for the entire flowering period (obviosuly more in the begining) or does it come to a complete halt after a month or so?
I guess i've never really payed attention to when they stop stretching..


Active Member
That quick? And do they grow anything at all (height wise) after that or it's just bud formation after 2-3 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Some pure landrace sativas don't stop stretching but that's been reduced a lot in commercial sativas thanks to the bit of indica in mostly sativa hybrids. Indicas stretch around 100%-125% and stop stretching at 2-3 weeks, mostly sat hybrids are around 200% stretch and last around 3-4 weeks. It all depends on the strain and phenotype being grown. My s.a.d is 2 and a half weeks in and has stopped stretching it's pure indica. Nobody would really wanna grow a pure sativa that stretches and stretches and takes 14 weeks to flower unless you get well prepared for a headache. Watch out for those hazes too they like to try kiss the sky.