New Member
Here,, a short list of things that have never had retort
Originally Posted by chuckbane
"how can a salesperson "force" a person to buy something they don't want?"
by manipulation. if you didnt need to force people to buy things you would be out a job.
and guess what Vi, i want you to keep replying, it makes me laugh and gives me something to do while my woman is at work, go on, lets play this game, im good at games and i always win.
i just thought i would tell you to put me back on block FOR YOUR OWN sake. oh well... when i get some more time i might go through all your threads and point out every dumb thing you say.... might take while though
i gave him my answer to his question
"how can a salesperson "force" a person to buy something they don't want?"
and this is all i got back
Originally Posted by ViRedd
While your "woman is at work?" Typical fucking socialist ... living off of your woman's teat.
what a joke, way to avoid the topic or make any meaningful retort Vi
here is another
Originally Posted by chuckbane
yea either that or i work my ass of all day and she works a few hours iv the evening some nights... you know, same thing.
and you of all shouldnt talk about work if you are a "real estate sales man". that is a weak mans job. do you know how you can tell you are a greedy POS? because if no one in your industry existed it would not matter. In fact it would be a better world.
We dont NEED people to "sell" houses. Houses sell themselves. People NEED to live in houses.
Your job is weak
your argument is weak
you have nothing but your big mouth and your 13 stripes so fuck off
just like i am a "neo-marxis" because i want equality, a better government, less greed and corruption and a better protection agency for our environment.
I dont follow any "path" Vi, I'm not like you. I have decided what is right and what is wrong by my own reasoning., try it sometime, you may like it.
Nice copy and past Btw, makes you look wayyyyyy intelligent
i basically told him his existence is useless because his job is a joke..
lets see what he has to say
Originally Posted by ViRedd
chucky-Bunns sez:
"just like i am a "neo-marxis" because i want equality"
OK, let's disperse with the personal attacks, Chucky. Let's get down to the nitty gritty here. Please define what you mean by "equality," and state how you would attain this "equality" if you were in charge. Thanks ...
instead of replying he just want me to explain everything. because he cant figure out what a word means without someone walking him trough it... Great salmesman tactics vi...
Great touch with the Chucky Bunns... makes you sound about 10.
so i gave him a nice and simple definition so that even a 10 year old such as himself could understand
Originally Posted by chuckbane
wow, if you need a definition for the word equality you are even dumber than i thought.
Equal Quality for All
Very simple. Or do I need to dumb it down another notch for you?
and he came back with nothing.. again... this is all he can say "your argument sucks but i cant debate it!"
Originally Posted by ViRedd
Just as I thought ... another empty suit.
Come on, Man ... you can do better that that. Tell us how YOU see "equality" and how you would attain that "equality" if you were in charge. Come on Chucky-Bunns ... You can do it ... I know you can.
look, he is asking me to explain something again! trying to learn something old-boy?
look he used chucky bunns again,, a defense mechanism to make him feel better when he is getting his ass kicked verbally
Originally Posted by chuckbane
i think this thread is more suitable for you Vi,,
Christian Forums
these are very ignorant poeple just like yourself. They force their old and "un-thought" beliefs on people who dont care just like you. You would fit in just nice. You can talk about the old days when everyone was the same and it was perfect. When people belived what they were told. When people didnt think for themselves..
Where were you in the 60's Vi?.. did you miss that whole movement or did you "put it on block" like you did to me?
man up pussy,, you are nothing more than a blank.
i compared him to a Christian. thats tends to be an insult umoung smarter people tody.
lets see what he says
Originally Posted by ViRedd
"Where were you in the 60's Vi?.. "
While you were busy burning Bank of America buildings down, I was working in the real world busting my ass in a commissioned sales job in order to support a wife, two kids, and a home.
Yeppers, while you were doing your best to destroy the free market and capitalism, I was busy setting goals and getting my life in order.
By the way, Chuckie-Bunns ... has anyone ever told you that your Birkenstocks stink? Time for a new pair, junior.
I asked him where he was in the 60's, and he TOLD me what i was doing. YUP, thats exactly what Vi does. Tells them how it is,, without knowing first hand.
"By the way, Chuckie-Bunns ... has anyone ever told you that your Birkenstocks stink? Time for a new pair, junior."
and more pathetic insults
even more!
here is me
Originally Posted by chuckbane
so the environment has no right? the one and only thing substaining life doesnt have rights?
you are just here to make a fucking mess of the world and you dont give a shit
take your liberties and shove em
they are another reason shit just keeps getting worse.
And that dick Obama isnt going to do any better but unforyunately a lot of peoples attitude toward that is that he is "the lesser of two evils"
which is very true.
just trying to point that out.
you are so focused on these ridiculous "liberties" such as polluting hwoever much you want, that you have lost sight of what is really important.. you are so selfish that the only thing you care is about is yourself and now.
You want it big and you want it now. No care for the long term effects, no care for the environment, no care for equality, just as long as your lazzy ass can sit pretty and easy
then all you shits have the nerve to try and deny a womans rights.. wtf? where are you? like fuck! you have your head screwed right the fuck on backwards
and here is the "retort".. note that i asked a question right at the beggining of the post... he didnt have to read the whole thing to see the question.
Originally Posted by ViRedd
Is this the "material" you've given me to work with?
Dude ... you need to take your religious rants elsewhere.
This is where TheBrutalTrth "stepped in" for Vi
He likes to use random shit to ramble on for ever so people just get bored reading this talking textbook.
so now you can see for yourself how ridiculous you sound
Here,, a short list of things that have never had retort
Originally Posted by chuckbane

"how can a salesperson "force" a person to buy something they don't want?"
by manipulation. if you didnt need to force people to buy things you would be out a job.
and guess what Vi, i want you to keep replying, it makes me laugh and gives me something to do while my woman is at work, go on, lets play this game, im good at games and i always win.
i just thought i would tell you to put me back on block FOR YOUR OWN sake. oh well... when i get some more time i might go through all your threads and point out every dumb thing you say.... might take while though
i gave him my answer to his question
"how can a salesperson "force" a person to buy something they don't want?"
and this is all i got back
Originally Posted by ViRedd

While your "woman is at work?" Typical fucking socialist ... living off of your woman's teat.

what a joke, way to avoid the topic or make any meaningful retort Vi
here is another
Originally Posted by chuckbane

yea either that or i work my ass of all day and she works a few hours iv the evening some nights... you know, same thing.
and you of all shouldnt talk about work if you are a "real estate sales man". that is a weak mans job. do you know how you can tell you are a greedy POS? because if no one in your industry existed it would not matter. In fact it would be a better world.
We dont NEED people to "sell" houses. Houses sell themselves. People NEED to live in houses.
Your job is weak
your argument is weak
you have nothing but your big mouth and your 13 stripes so fuck off

just like i am a "neo-marxis" because i want equality, a better government, less greed and corruption and a better protection agency for our environment.
I dont follow any "path" Vi, I'm not like you. I have decided what is right and what is wrong by my own reasoning., try it sometime, you may like it.
Nice copy and past Btw, makes you look wayyyyyy intelligent
i basically told him his existence is useless because his job is a joke..
lets see what he has to say
Originally Posted by ViRedd

chucky-Bunns sez:
"just like i am a "neo-marxis" because i want equality"
OK, let's disperse with the personal attacks, Chucky. Let's get down to the nitty gritty here. Please define what you mean by "equality," and state how you would attain this "equality" if you were in charge. Thanks ...
instead of replying he just want me to explain everything. because he cant figure out what a word means without someone walking him trough it... Great salmesman tactics vi...
Great touch with the Chucky Bunns... makes you sound about 10.
so i gave him a nice and simple definition so that even a 10 year old such as himself could understand
Originally Posted by chuckbane

wow, if you need a definition for the word equality you are even dumber than i thought.
Equal Quality for All
Very simple. Or do I need to dumb it down another notch for you?
and he came back with nothing.. again... this is all he can say "your argument sucks but i cant debate it!"
Originally Posted by ViRedd

Just as I thought ... another empty suit.
Come on, Man ... you can do better that that. Tell us how YOU see "equality" and how you would attain that "equality" if you were in charge. Come on Chucky-Bunns ... You can do it ... I know you can.

look, he is asking me to explain something again! trying to learn something old-boy?
look he used chucky bunns again,, a defense mechanism to make him feel better when he is getting his ass kicked verbally
Originally Posted by chuckbane

i think this thread is more suitable for you Vi,,
Christian Forums
these are very ignorant poeple just like yourself. They force their old and "un-thought" beliefs on people who dont care just like you. You would fit in just nice. You can talk about the old days when everyone was the same and it was perfect. When people belived what they were told. When people didnt think for themselves..
Where were you in the 60's Vi?.. did you miss that whole movement or did you "put it on block" like you did to me?
man up pussy,, you are nothing more than a blank.
i compared him to a Christian. thats tends to be an insult umoung smarter people tody.
lets see what he says
Originally Posted by ViRedd

"Where were you in the 60's Vi?.. "
While you were busy burning Bank of America buildings down, I was working in the real world busting my ass in a commissioned sales job in order to support a wife, two kids, and a home.
Yeppers, while you were doing your best to destroy the free market and capitalism, I was busy setting goals and getting my life in order.
By the way, Chuckie-Bunns ... has anyone ever told you that your Birkenstocks stink? Time for a new pair, junior.

I asked him where he was in the 60's, and he TOLD me what i was doing. YUP, thats exactly what Vi does. Tells them how it is,, without knowing first hand.
"By the way, Chuckie-Bunns ... has anyone ever told you that your Birkenstocks stink? Time for a new pair, junior."
and more pathetic insults
even more!
here is me

Originally Posted by chuckbane

so the environment has no right? the one and only thing substaining life doesnt have rights?
you are just here to make a fucking mess of the world and you dont give a shit
take your liberties and shove em
they are another reason shit just keeps getting worse.
And that dick Obama isnt going to do any better but unforyunately a lot of peoples attitude toward that is that he is "the lesser of two evils"
which is very true.
just trying to point that out.
you are so focused on these ridiculous "liberties" such as polluting hwoever much you want, that you have lost sight of what is really important.. you are so selfish that the only thing you care is about is yourself and now.
You want it big and you want it now. No care for the long term effects, no care for the environment, no care for equality, just as long as your lazzy ass can sit pretty and easy
then all you shits have the nerve to try and deny a womans rights.. wtf? where are you? like fuck! you have your head screwed right the fuck on backwards
and here is the "retort".. note that i asked a question right at the beggining of the post... he didnt have to read the whole thing to see the question.
Originally Posted by ViRedd

Is this the "material" you've given me to work with?

This is where TheBrutalTrth "stepped in" for Vi
He likes to use random shit to ramble on for ever so people just get bored reading this talking textbook.
so now you can see for yourself how ridiculous you sound